Carroll & Ostlie: Introduction to Modern Astrophysics
Bullet-point summaries of the Big Orange Book, including most of the significant formulas. Unfortunately, I don’t plan on notetaking part III in the foreseeable future.
See my other notes here.
Table of Contents
1. The Celestial Sphere
Altitude–Azimuth Coordinate System
- Local to observer location and day of year
- Altitude $h$ measured from horizon towards zenith.
- Zenith $z = 90^\circ - h$
- Azimuth $A$ measured from north on the horizon, clockwise, first towards
east on the horizon
Equatorial Coordinate System
- Celestial equator: plane passing through Earth’s equator
- Ecliptic: path of sun across seasons
- Vernal equinox: When ecliptic/sun crosses the celestial equator northward
- Declination $\delta$ measured in degrees N/S of celestial equator
- Right ascension $\alpha$ measured in hour-minute-seconds from vernal equinox
eastward to hour circle of object
- Meridian: great circle intersecting observer and the poles
- Hour angle $H$ angle between object and meridian of observer
- Local sidereal time: time elapsed since vernal equinox last traversed
the meridian; hour angle of that intersection
- $25\,770$-year cycle of wobbling
- Necessitates use of epochs in the coordinate system
- J2000.0: Standard epoch, zero at noon 2000−01−01 UT
(universal time, measured from Greenwich)
- Uses Julian Calendar (365.25 d/yr), without Gregorian corrections
Time standards
- Julian Date (JD): Days since Noon 4713BC−01−01
- Heliocentric Julian Date (HJD): From center of Sun
- Terrestrial Time (TT): From surface of Earth factoring in relativity
- Radial velocity $v_r$ (positive is away)
- Proper motion $\mu$ (arcseconds/year)
- Transverse/tangential velocity $v_\theta = \mu \cdot r$
Spherical Trigonometry
- Sides with arclengths $a, b, c$ meet at angles $A, B, C$
- Law of sines: ${ \sin a \over \sin A} = {\sin b \over \sin B} = {\sin c \over \sin C}$
- Law of cosines for sides: $\cos a = \cos b \cos c + \sin b \sin c \cos A$
- Law of cosines for angles: $\cos A = − \cos B \cos C + \sin B \sin C \cos a$
- For a proper motion with position angle $\phi$ (direction measured) and
arclength $\Delta\theta$,
- $\Delta\alpha = {\Delta\theta \sin \phi \over \cos \delta}$
- $\Delta\delta = \Delta\theta \cos \phi$
- $(\Delta\theta)^2 = (\Delta\alpha \cos \delta)^2 + (\Delta\delta)^2$
2. Celestial Mechanics
- Semi−major axis $a$; Semi−minor axis $b$
- Eccentricity $e : ae = {d\over2}$, where $d$ is distance between foci
- $b^2 = a^2 (1 − e^2)$
- Polar form $r = {a (1 − e^2) \over 1 + e \cos \theta}$
- Area $A = \pi ab$
Kepler’s Laws
- Ellpitical orbits: $r = {L^2/\mu^2 \over GM(1 + e \cos \theta)}$
- Equal area over equal time: ${dA \over dt} = {L \over 2\mu}$ (constant)
- Period–axis relation: $P^2 = ka^3$, $k = {4\pi^2 \over G(M+m)} = 1 \text{ year}^2\text{ AU}^{-3}$
Orbital equations
- Virial theorem: $\langle E \rangle = {\langle U \rangle \over 2}$, $\langle U \rangle = −2\langle K\rangle$
- Vis−viva: $v^2 = G(M+m)\left({2\over r} − {1 \over a}\right)$
3. The Continuous Spectrum of Light
Parallax and parsecs (pc)
- Parallax angle $p''$ (arcseconds), subtended by quarter orbit of Earth (1 AU)
- Distance $d_\text{AU} = {206,265 \over p''}$, $d_\text{pc} = {1 \over p″}$
Apparent magnitude
- Originally compiled by Hipparchus: 1 for brightest, 6 for dimmest
- Modern definition: ${F_2 \over F_1} = 100^{(m_1 − m_2)/5}$
- Where radiant flux is density of emitted light: $F = {L\over 4\pi r^2}$
Absolute magnitude
- $M$ for stars, apparent magnitude measured as if it’s located at 10 pc
- $H$ for planets, measured if located at 1 AU
- Distance modulus $d = 10^{(m − M + 5)/5}$,
$m − M = 5 \log_{10}d − 5$
- For equally distant stars, ratio of radiant fluxes equals
ratio of luminosities, thus ${L_2 \over L_1} = 100^{(M_1 − M_2)/5}$
- $M_\odot = +4.74, L_\odot = 3.839 \times 10^{26} \text{ W}$
- Wave speed $c = \lambda\nu$
- Poyinting vector $\vec S = {\vec E \times \vec B \over \mu_0}, \langle S \rangle = {E_0B_0 \over 2\mu_0}$
- Radiation pressure $P_\text{absorption} = {\langle S \rangle A \cos \theta \over c}$,
$P_\text{reflection} = {2\langle S \rangle A \cos^2\theta \over c}$
Blackbody radiation
- Wien’s displacement: $\max(\lambda) = {0.002898 \text{ m K} \over T}$
- Stefan–Boltzmann: $L = 4\pi R^2 \sigma T^4$
- Where $T$ is effective temperature of the star’s surface,
and $\sigma = 5.670 \times 10^{-8} \text{ W}\;\text{m}^{-2}\;\text{K}^{-4}$
- Planck’s function: $B(T) = {2hc^2 / \lambda^5 \over e^{hc / \lambda kT} − 1}$
Color index
- Bolumetric magnitudes: measured over all wavelengths
- In practice, detectors only measure certain ranges, to varying
degrees of sensitivity
- Standard filters:
name |
center |
bandwidth |
U |
UV |
365 nm |
68 nm |
B |
blue |
440 nm |
98 nm |
V |
visual |
550 nm |
89 nm |
- Isolated letters are apparent magnitudes; $M_x$ are absolute
- U−B color index: $U − B = M_U − M_B$
- B−V color index: $B − V = M_B − M_V$ (smaller is bluer)
- Bolumetric correction: $BC = m_\text{bol} − V = M_\text{bol} − M_V$
- Color−color diagrams graph U−B against B−V,
showing stars are non−ideal blackbodies
4. Special Relativity
- Notation: prime (′) means observed, unprimed means rest
Einstein’s postulates:
- Principle of relativity: Laws of physics are the same in all inertial
reference frames
- Constancy of the speed of light: In vacuum, $c$ is independent of the motion
of the light source
- Lorentz factor $\gamma \equiv {1 \over \sqrt{1 − {u^2 \over c^2}}}$
- Time dilation $t' = \gamma t$
- Length contraction $x' = x/\gamma$
- Proper time $\tau$ and proper length measured at rest w.r.t. events ($\gamma = 1$)
Relativistic doppler shifts
- Doppler shift $\nu' = {\nu \over \gamma (1 + {u \cos \theta \over c}) }$
($\theta = 0^\circ$ away from observer, $180^\circ$ towards observer)
- Redshift $z = {\lambda'\over\lambda} − 1 = \sqrt{ 1 + {u \cos \theta \over c} \over 1 − {u \cos \theta \over c} }$
- Time dilation from redshift ${t' \over t} = z+1$
Relativistic momentum and energy
- Rest mass $m_0$; Rest energy $E_0 = m_0c^2$
- Relativistic momentum $p = \gamma m_0v$
- Relativistic kinetic energy $K = m_0c^2(\gamma − 1)$
- Relativistic total energy $E = \gamma m_0 c^2 = \sqrt{ p^2c^2 + m_0^2c^4 }$
5. Interaction of Light and Matter
- Fraunhofer lines: absorption lines in the Solar spectrum
Kirchoff’s Laws
- Hot, dense gas/solid produces continuous, lineless spectrum
- Hot, diffuse gas produces emission lines
- Cold, diffuse gas in front of a continuous spectrum source produces
absorption lines in the spectrum
- Produced via diffraction grating: $d \sin \theta = n\lambda$,
$d$ is grating separation; $n$ is spectral order
- Resolving power ${\lambda\over\Delta\lambda} = nN$,
$\Delta\lambda$ is smallest resolvable wavelength; $N$ is # of gratings illuminated
- Low−speed Doppler shift approximation: ${\Delta\lambda\over\lambda} = {u \cos \theta\over c}$
Photoelectric effect
- Shining light onto metal ejects electron with energy proportional to frequency, not intensity
- Max kinetic energy of an ejected electron $K = h\nu − \phi$
- Work function $\phi$ is the metal’s min electron binding energy
- Demonstrates quantization of light into packets of energy $E = h\nu$
Compton scattering
- Relativistic scattering of electrons by high−energy photons
- Photon loses wavelength $\Delta\lambda = {h(1 − \cos \theta)\over m_ec}$, $m_e = 9.109^{-31} \text{ kg}$
Bohr’s semiclassical atom
- Assumes quantization of angular momentum $L = \mu v r = n \hbar$,
$n$ is principle quantum number
- However, still puts electrons in classical circular orbits modeled by
Coulombic attraction
- Kinetic energy of atom $K = {\mu v^2 \over 2} = {e^2 \over 8 \pi \epsilon_0 r} = {n \hbar^2 \over 2\mu r^2}$
- Allowed orbital radii $r = a_0n^2$,
Bohr radius $a_0 = {4\pi \epsilon_0 \hbar^2 \over \mu e^2} \approx 5.292^{-11} \text{ m}$
- Allowed energy levels: $E = -{E_0 \over n^2}$, $E_0 \approx 13.6 \text{ eV}$
De Broglie waves
- Generalizes photon wavelength-frequency-momentum relation to all partilces
- $\nu = {E \over h}, \lambda = {h \over p}$
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
- $\Delta x \Delta p \geq {\hbar\over2}$, estimated as $\Delta x \Delta p \approx \hbar$ , equivalent to $\Delta E \Delta t \approx \hbar$
- Reduced Planck constant: $\hbar = {h \over 2\pi} = 1.054 \times 10^{-34} \text{ J}\cdot\text{s} = 6.582 \times 10^{-16} \text{ eV}\cdot\text{s}$
- Allows for quantum tunnelling when barrier is within a few wavelengths wide
- e.x. total internal reflection can be disrupted by placing a another prism sufficiently close to the boundary
Schrödinger's quantum atom
- Schrödinger equation models particles as probability waves
- Analytically solvable for H with same result as the Bohr atom
- Quantum orbitals are probability density clouds
- Adds additional quantum numbers $l \in [0, n-1]$ and $m_l \in [−l, +l]$
- Allowed angular momentum magnitudes $L = \hbar \sqrt{ l (l + 1) }$
- Allowed angular momentum $z$-components $L_z = \hbar m_l$
- Different orbitals with same $n$ are degenerate
(i.e. have the same energy) unless under a magnetic field
Normal Zeeman effect
- Previously degenerate orbitals split into slightly different energies
- 3 frequencies: $\nu \in { \nu_0, v_0 \pm {eB \over 4\pi\mu} }$
- Allows detection of magnetic field strength around e.g. starspots
- Even if field is too weak to cleanly split,
different polarizations are still detectable
Anomalous Zeeman effect and Spin
- Anomalous Zeeman effect: more complex splitting patterns
- Resulted in discovery of the spin quantum number
- Allowed spin angular momentum magnitudes $S = \hbar{\sqrt3\over2}$
- Allowed spin angular momentum z-component $S_z = \hbar m_s$
Fermions and bosons
- Dirac's relativistic Schrödinger's equation divided particles
into fermions and bosons
- Also predicted antiparticles: opposite electric changes and magnetic moments
- Fermions have spins of $\text{odd} \times {\hbar\over2}$; Bosons have spins of $\text{integer} \times \hbar$
- Pauli exclusion principle: No two fermions can share the same set
of 4 quantum numbers ${n, l, m_l, m_s}$
Complex spectra
- Quantum state transitions go from one set of quantum numbers to another
- Selection rules significantly lower the probabilities of certain transitions
- Restrictions: $\Delta l = \pm1, \Delta m_l \in { 0, \pm1 }, m_l$ of orbitals cannot both be 0
- Allowed transitions triggered by collisions or occur spontaneously $\approx 10^{-8} \text{ s}$
- Some forbidden transitions occur in very low gas densities
- e.x. diffuse interstellar medium; outer stellar atmospheres
6. Telescopes
Basic optics
- Index of refraction $n(\lambda) \equiv {c \over \nu}$
- Snell's law: $n_1 \sin \theta_1 = n_2 \sin \theta_2$
- Lensmaker's formula: $P = {1\over f} = (n - 1)\left( {1\over R_1} + {1\over R_2} \right)
$P$ is optical power, $f$ is focal length, $R_n$ are radii of curvature
- Focal length is wavelength-independent for mirrors
- A lens projects angular separation onto a plate (focal plane)
- Linear separation of point sources on focal plane increases with focal length:
${d\theta \over dy} = {1\over f}$
- Single-slit diffraction of wavefronts through aperture limits resolving power
- Airy disk: bright spot around central maximum
- Destructive interference creates minimums: $\sin \theta = {m\lambda\over D}, m = 1, 2, 3, …$
- Images are “unresolved” when one's central maximum overlaps with
another's 1st minimum
- Rayleigh criterion defines arbitrary min resolvable distance
of a circular aperture $\theta \equiv {1.22\lambda \over D}$, $D$ is aperture diameter
- Possible to differentiate sources within Rayleigh criterion through careful
analysis of diffraction patterns
- Seeing: ctual ground-based optical resolution worse than ideal due to
refraction from atmospheric turbulence, unless corected by adaptive optics
- Only lenses suffer from chromatic aberration;
somewhat reduceable with correcting lenses
- Spherical lenses and mirrors suffer from spherical aberration;
mitigated by paraboloids, which are harder to produce
- Paraboloid lenses and mirrors suffer from coma: elongation of off-axis images
- Astigmatism: different parts of a lens or mirror converge an image
at different locations; correction may result in curvature of field issues
- Illumination $J \propto {1 \over F^2}$, the amount of light energy per second focused onto a unit
area of the resolved image
- Focal ratio: $F ≡ {f \over D}$
- Larger aperture increases resolution and illumination
- Longer focal length increases image size but decreases illumination
- For fixed focal ratio, larger telescope diameter increases resolution but
not illumination
Optical telescopes
- Refracting telescope:
- Objective lens focus as much light as possible onto the focal plane
- Sensor is placed on focal plane or eyepiece is placed at its focal length away
- Angular magnification $m = {f_\text{objective} \over f_\text{eye}}$
- Issues:
- Lens can only be supported near the edge, so gravity deforms heavy ones
- Entire volume must be fabricated precisely
- Slow thermal response and thermal expansion
- Chromatic aberrations
- Reflecting telescope:
- Replaces refractor’s objective lens with a mirror
- Minimizes weight, support, and distortion issues,
esp. with active support system
- Main issue: Prime focus of the mirror is in the path of the incoming light
- Newtonian telescope: flat diagonal secondary mirror;
suffers from faraway eyepiece that introduces torque
- Cassegrain telescope: parabolic (or hyperbolic for Ritchey-Chrétien telescope) primary mirror;
secondary mirror (usually convex to increase focal length) reflects back
through a hole in the primary’s center
- Coudé telescope: mirror system directs light to an instruments room;
very long focal length
- Schmidt telescope: spheroidal primary mirror minimizing coma;
correcting lens to remove spherical aberrations;
provides wide field of view (degrees vs arcminutes) with low distortion
- Mounts:
- Equatorial: polar axis, easy to adjust, hard to build for massive telecopes
- Altitude-azimuth: easy to build, generally needs computer adjustments
- Adaptive optics: small deformable mirror with many piezoelectric actuators
counteract atmospheric distortions, constantly calibrated via a guide star
- Charge-coupled device (CCD) detects ~100% of incident photons with a linear
response across wide wavelength and intensity (dynamic) ranges
Radio telescopes
- Strength measured is spectral flux density $S(\nu)$
- Typical radio source has $S \approx 1 \text{ jansky (Jy)} = 10^{-26}$ W m$^{-2}$ Hz$^{-1}$;
weak sources ~mJy
- Integrate $S$ over area and bandwidth for total power received
- Long wavelengths require large apertures, but less manufacturing precision
- Addition of other telescopes enables interferometry;
reduces side lobes and narrows main lobe of antenna sensitivity pattern
- Interferometry determines angle of source from phase difference between antennae
- Pointing angle $\theta : \sin \theta = {L\over d}$,
$L$ is difference in wavefront’s distances to the antennae;
$d$ is baseline distance between antennae
- Very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) can span multiple continents
IR/UV/X-ray/gamma-ray astronomy
- Water vapor is primary contributor to IR absorption; thus low-humidity
mountain peaks, balloons and aircraft observatories are used
- IR observation also requires very cold telescopes and detectors
- Glass is opaque to UV; UV telescopes need very precise reflecting surfaces
- X-ray and gamma-ray photons penetrate traditional mirrors;
instead imaged by graze-incidence (near 90° incidence) reflections, or by
Bragg scattering through crystal lattice inteference
II. The Nature of Stars
7. Binary Systems and Stellar Parameters
- In many cases, allows the calculation of stellar masses, highlighting a
well-defined mass-luminosity relation for the large majority of stars
- Optical double: Fake binaries that just look close
- (The rest of the classes are not mutually exclusive)
- Visual binary: Both stars are resolved
- Astrometric binary: Visual oscillatory motion of one star implies companion
- Eclipsing binary: Periodic variation in light curves reveal two stars
- Spectrum binary: Different spectral classes / Doppler effect reveal superimposed spectra
- Spectroscopic binary: Doppler effect in spectra reveal oscillation of
radial velocity curves
Mass determination of visual binaries
- Mass ratio from ratio of subtended angles: ${m_1 \over m_2} = {r_2 \over r_1} = {\alpha_2 \over \alpha_1}$
- If distance to system and inclination are known, masses can be determined:
$m_1 + m_2 = {4\pi^2 \over G} {d^3 \over \cos^3 i} {\alpha^3 \over P ^2}$
- Where i is the angle of inclination between the orbit and the sky’s planes
Mass determination of spectroscopic binarie
- Mainly detected from binaries with high inclinations
- “Double-line” if both spectra are visible; “single-line” otherwise
- Radial velocity curves cross at the radial velocity of the center of mass
- Radial velocity curve amplitudes scaled uniformly by $\sin i$
- Eccentricity skews the curves, but close binaries tend to quickly
circularize from tidal forces
- Mass ratio: ${m_1 \over m_2} = {v_2 \over v_1}$
- Where v are radial velocities
- If inclination is known, masses can be determined:
$m_1 + m_2 = {P \over 2 \pi G} \left(v_1 + v_2 \over \sin i\right)^3$,
- If only one radial velocity is known (single-line binary),
then mass ratio cannot be found,
but the mass function still provides rough constraints:
${(m_2 \sin i)^3\over(m_1 + m_2)^2} = {P \over 2\pi G} v_1^3$
Temperature ratio and radii determination of eclipsing binaries
- Two dips in the light curve:
- Primary eclipse: hotter star passes behind cooler one
- Secondary eclipse: cooler star passes behind warmer one
- Size doesn’t matter
- If smaller star $T_1$ is hotter, temperature ratio from brightness is
${B_0 − B_1 \over B_0 − B_2} = \left( T_1 \over T_2 \right)^4$
- Unless extremely close binary, inclination $i \approx 90^\circ$,
thus allowing accurate mass and velocity determination
- Radius of star $r = {v\Delta t\over2}$
- Where $v$ is relative velocity,
and $\Delta t$ is transit time for the smaller star, or eclipse time for the larger
Computer modeling
- May incorporate tidal deformations, surface tempreature variations,
flux distributions, etc
- Generates synthetic light curves to compare against observational data
- Direct observation very difficult due to vast luminosity differences
- Indirect methods: spectral radial velocities, astrometric wobbles, and eclipses
- First exoplanet around a Sun-like star discovered in 1995
- Many rapidly followed due to dramatic advances in detector technology,
large-aperture telescopes, and long-term observing campaigns
8. Classification of Stellar Spectra
- Stars emit a continuous spectra (the continuum)
with absorption lines in certain wavelengths
Harvard spectral types
- Pickering and Fleming initially labeled alphabetically by strength of H absorption lines
- Different strengths due to different temperatures causing different electron
ionization levels and orbitals
- H I (neutral)’s visible spectral (Balmer) lines strongest at A0
($T_\text{eff} = 9520$ K)
- He I (neutral)’s visible spectral lines strongest at B2
($T_\text{eff} = 22\,000$ K)
- Ca II (singly ionized)’s visible spectral lines strongest at K0
($T_\text{eff} = 5250$ K)
- Cannon rearranged by temperature (OBAFGKM, O hottest)
and added decimal subdivisions: A0 hotter than A9
- Additional spectral types for very cool stars and brown dwarfs: OBAFGKMLT
Spectral physics
- Statistical mechanics studies macroscopic behavior of stellar atmospheres
- Maxwell−Boltzmann velocity distribution $\rho(v) = \left(m \over 2\pi k T \right)^{3/2} e^{−mv^2/2kT} 4\pi v^2$
- Restricted to gasses in thermodynamic equilibrium with $\rho \lesssim 1$ km m$^{-3}$
- Most probable speed $v_\text{mode} = \sqrt{2kT\over m}$
- Root-mean-square speed $v_\text{RMS} = \sqrt{3kT \over m}$ due to right-skewed exponential tail
- Electrons’ orbital energies are affected by their atoms’ kinetic energies
through collisions: higher orbitals are less likely to be occupied
- Probability ratio of electron states: ${P(s_1) \over P(s_2)} = e^{−(E_1−E_2) / kT}$
- As thermal energy $kT \to 0$, $P(\text{ higher energy state }) \to 0$; confined to lowest state
- As $kT \to \infty$, ${P(s_1) \over P(s_2)} \to 1$; all states are equally likely
- Statistical weights of some energy levels increased by degenerate orbitals
- Boltzmann equation, the probability ratio of electron energies:
${P(E_1) \over P(E_2)} = {g_1 \over g_2} e^{−(E_1−E_2) / kT}$
- Where $g$ is the statistical weight, or number of states with that energy
- Balmer lines require exitations from the first excited state $N_2$
- Greater fraction of H I are in the excited state $N_2$ at higher temperatures;
However, at the same time, significant fractions of H I are ionized to H IIs
- Partition function, the number of possible electron states weighted by energy,
varies by ionization state of the atom, thus affecting the probability of
atoms at different ionization states: $Z = \sum_j g_j e^{−(E_j−E_1) / kT}$
- For H I, the ground state (with two orbitals $s=\pm{1\over2}$) dominates for most temperatures: $Z \approx 2$
- For H II, no electrons means only one possible configuration: $Z = 1$
- Saha equation, the probability ratio of ionization states:
${N_+ \over N} = {2Z_+ \over n_e Z} \left( 2\pi m_e k T \over h^2 \right)^{3/2} e^{−\chi / kT}$
- Very sensitive to ionization energy $\chi$, as $kT$ only ranges around 0.5−2 eV
- Also effected by free electron number density $n$, increased by presence of ionized He II&III
- Combining the Boltzmann and Saha equations shows varying narrow partial ionization
zones for different atoms and ionization states
- For H, there is significant fraction of electrons in the first excited state for
temperatures between 8300−11300 K, matching the peaking of Balmer lines $\sim9900$ K
Hertzsprung–Russell diagram
- Hertzsprung discovered type G and cooler stars had a range of magnitudes;
termed the brighter ones giants; Russell termed the dimmer ones dwarfs
- H–R diagram plots absolute magnitude (brighter upward) against
spectral type (warmer leftward)
- 80–90% of stars lie as dwarfs in a main sequence from upper left to lower right
- Width of main sequence due to varying ages and compositions
- Initial theory was stars evolved from upper left to lower right;
terminology of “earlier” (warmer) and “later” (cooler) stars remain
- Simple luminosity–temperature relation reveals fundamental dependence on mass
- Iso-radius lines run diagonally roughly parallel to main sequence
- Warmer, more massive stars have a lower average density
- Supergiants such as Betelgeuse occupy extreme upper right
Morgan−Keenan luminosity classes
- Maury noted subtle line width variations amongst stars with similar effective
temperatures and different luminosities; found by Hertzsprung to differentiate
main-sequence stars and giants
- Morgan and Keenan published atlas appending Roman numeral luminosity classes
to Harvard spectral types
- Ia/Ib for supergiants
- V for main requence
- VI for metal-deficient subdwarfs
- Excludes white dwarfs, class D
- Luminosity classes roughly correlates with absolute magnitudes:
enables placement of star on H−R diagram entirely from its spectrum
- Spectroscopic parallax: calculating distance modulus from the
spectrally determined absolute magnitude
9. Stellar Atmospheres
- Line blanketing: dense series of metallic absorption lines significantly
decrease intensity relative to ideal blackbody at certain wavelengths
Radiation field
- Radiation energy originates from thermonuclear reactions,
gravitational contraction, and core cooling
- But observed light comes from gasses in atmosphere, not the opaque interior
- Temperature, density, and composition of atmospheric layers determine
spectral features
- Specific ray intensity:
$I(\lambda) \;d\lambda \equiv {\partial I\over\partial\lambda} = {{\partial E \over \partial\lambda} d\lambda \over d\lambda \;dt\;dA \cos \theta \;d\Omega }$,
power transmitted at a certain wavelength within a certain solid angle
- Mean intensity $\langle I(\lambda) \rangle = I(\lambda)$ for isotropic field; $= B(\lambda)$ for blackbody
- Specific energy density $u(\lambda) \;d\lambda = {4\pi\over c} \langle I(\lambda) \rangle \;d\lambda$
- Total energy density for blackbody $u = {4\sigma T^4 \over c}$
- Blackbody radiation pressure $P = {u\over3}$
- Specific radiative flux
$F(\lambda) \;d\lambda = \int I(\lambda) \;d\lambda \cos \theta \;d\Omega$,
net energy at a certain wavelength flowing towards one single direction
- For a resolved source, specific ray intensity is measured,
thus detector distance does not affect measured intensity,
though the angular size decreases
- For an unresolved source, specific radiative flux is measured,
falling off with ${1\over r^2}$
- Mean free path $l = {1\over n\sigma}$,
- Average distance traveled by particles and photonsbetween collisions
- Where $n$ is atomic number density and $\sigma \equiv \pi(2a_0)^2$ is collision cross section
- Multiple descriptions of temperature:
- Effective temperature: obtained from the Stefan–Boltzmann law
- Excitation temperature: defined by the Boltzmann equation
- Ionization temperature: defined by the Saha equation
- Kinetic temperature: defined by the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution
- Color temperature: defined by fitting the Planck function on the spectrum
- Effective temperature is a global descriptor;
rest apply locally, varying by gas location and other conditions
- All local temperature definitions result in the same value
at thermodynamic equilibrium
- Local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) occurs when temperature change is
very gradual compared to the mean free path length: $H \ll L$
- Temperature scale height $H(T) \equiv {T \over \lvert{ dT \over dr }\rvert}$
- Both scattering and pure absorption reduce the intensity of directed light:
$\;dI = −\kappa\rho I \;ds$
- Where absorption coefficient (opacity) $\kappa$ is dependent on
ray wavelength and gas composition, density, and temperature
- Characteristic distance $l = {1\over k\rho}$ is equivalent to main free path for photons
- Pure absorption decreases intensity exponentially: $I = I_0 e^{−\tau}$
- Where $\tau$ is optical depth with $d\tau = −\kappa\rho \;ds$
- Optical depth is equivalent to the number of mean free path lengths along the
path of a ray; gas is “optically thick” if $\tau \gg 1$, “optically thin” if $\tau \ll 1$
- Balmer jump: opacity of stellar material suddenly increases for wavelengths
below the ionization energy of H I in the first excited state
- Sources of opacity classified by initial and final quantum states of the
interacting electrons:
- Bound–bound transitions (excitation and de-excitation)
- Small except for wavelengths corresponding to specific excitation energies;
- If de-excitation returns to the initial state through emission,
the photon is essentially scattered
- If multiple photons are emitted from one absorption, the average photon
energy is reduced
- If de-excitation is instead triggered by collision, then the energy is
converted into kinetic/thermal
- Bound-free absorption (photoionization) and free–bound emission (recombination)
- Wavelength-dependent cross section comparable to that of collisions
- Adds to continuum opacity, as any photon above an electron’s
ionization energy may be absorbed
- Recombination emits one or more photons,
again reducing average photon energy and scattering
- Free–free absorption and bremsstrahlung (“braking radiation”) emission
- Free electron gains speed from absorption, or loses speed from emission
- Must take place next to an ion to conserve both energy and momentum
- Adds to continuum opacity
- Free electron (Thomson) scattering
- Photon is scattered when the electron is made to oscillate in its EM field
- Very tiny wavelength-independent cross section
- Only dominates in stellar interiors and the hottest atmospheres,
where near-total ionization eliminates bound-electron processes
- Loosely-bound electron (Compton/Rayleigh) scattering
- Compton if $\lambda \ll a_0$;
very small change in scattered photon wavelength, much like Thomson
- Rayleigh if $\lambda \gg a_0$;
proportional to ${1 \over \lambda^4}$,
so only significant in UV for supergiant stars’ extended envelopes,
cool main-sequence stars, and planet atmospheres
- Electron scattering and photoionization of He are primary sources of continuum opacity
for type O
- Photoionization of H and free–free absorption primary sources for types B–A
- Photoionization of H$^-$ is primary source for type F0 and cooler
- Very low binding energy of 0.754 eV ($\lambda = 1640 \text{ nm}$) for bound–free opacity
- Also contributes to free–free absorption at longer wavelengths
- Molecules survive in planetary and cooler stellar atmospheres
- High opacity from large number of discrete absorption lines
- May break apart during absorption through photodissociation
- Rosseland mean opacity: weighted harmonic mean of opacity across all wavelengths,
accounting for rate of change of the blackbody spectrum with temperature;
${1\over\kappa} \equiv {\int {1\over\kappa_\nu} {\partial B_\nu \over \partial T} \;d\nu \over \int {\partial B_\nu \over \partial T} \;d\nu }$
- Obeys Kramer’s opacity law: $\kappa \propto {\rho\over T^{3.5}}$
- No analytic solution, but approximations exist for bound–free and free–free opacities
- $\kappa_\text{bf} \propto {g_\text{bf} \over t} {Z (1+X) \rho \over T^{3.5}}, k_\text{ff} \propto g_\text{ff} {(1−Z)(1+X) \rho \over T^{3.5}}$
- $X$, $Y$, and $Z$ are mass fractions of H, He, and metals respectively
- $g_\text{bf}$ and $g_\text{ff}$ are Gaunt factors correcting for quantum effects; ~1 for visible and UV
- t is the guillotine factor, typically ranging 1–100
Radiative transfer
- No net energy change occurs in any layer of a star that is in steady-state equilibrium
- Emission processes complement each of the primary absorption processes,
resulting in randomly-directed scattering
- Specific intensity: $dI = −\kappa\rho I \;ds + j\rho \;ds$
- Where $\kappa$ is the absorption and $j$ is the emission coefficient; both are $\lambda$-dependent
- Equation of radiative transfer: $−{1\over\kappa\rho} {dI\over ds} = {dI\over d\tau} = I − S$
- Where source function: $S \equiv {j\over\kappa}$
- Expresses how light beam composition tends to resemble the local source of photons
- In local thermodynamic equilibrium, $S = B$, the blackbody Planck function
- Integrating over all wavelengths, $S = B = {\sigma T^4\over\pi}$
- If $\tau \gg 1, I = B$ as well
- Radiation differential “driving” net radiative flux of photons flowing to the surface:
${dP\over d\tau} = −{F\over c}$
- Radiative flux throughout star is constant: $F = \sigma T_\text{eff}^4$
- In a random walk with $N$ steps of average size $I$, $d = l\sqrt N$
- On average, a photon from optical depth $\tau$ needs $\tau^2$ steps to reach the surface
- Photons from $\tau \approx 1$ may escape without scattering
- Eddington approximation: $T^4 \approx {3\over4} T_\text{eff}^4 \left(\tau + {2\over3}\right)$
- Star has its effective temperature at optical depth $\tau \approx {2\over3}$
- Average observed photon is emitted from $\tau \approx {2\over3}$, independent of angle
- Higher opacity corresponds to shorter pathlength for the same optical depth,
thus absorption lines must come from outer, cooler layers
- Limb darkening: line of sight reaches $\tau = {2\over3}$ in cooler, dimmer layers when
observing closer to the edge of the disk
Spectral line profile
- Core of line is formed at higher and cooler layer;
formation descends down to continuum region at wings of the line
- Line is spectrally thin if radiant flux $F(\lambda)$ is never 0
- Equivalent width $W \equiv \int 1 − {F(\lambda) \over F_0} d\lambda$
- Where the integrand is the depth of the line at $\lambda$
- Broadening processes:
- Natural broadening: uncertainty principle means momentary occupancy of
an excited state for small $\Delta t$ amplifies uncertainty of orbital energy
$\Delta E \approx {\hbar \over \Delta t}$, resulting in uncertainty of wavelength
$\Delta\lambda \approx {\lambda^2 \over 2\pi c} \left( {1 \over \Delta t_0} + {1 \over \Delta t_1} \right)$, where $\Delta t$ are lifetimes in the two states
- Doppler broadening: random thermodynamic motion results in nonrelativistic Doppler shift
$\Delta\lambda \approx {2\lambda \over c} \sqrt{2kT \over m}$
- in giant and supergiant stars, random large-scale turbulence increases to
$\Delta\lambda \approx {2\lambda \over c} \sqrt{2kT\over m + v^2}$, where $v$ is the most probable turbulence speed
- coherent mass motions such as rotation, pulsation and mass loss also
substantial factors
- Pressure broadening: collisions with neutral atoms and pressure from nearby
ion electrical fields may perturb the orbitals with
$\Delta\lambda = {\lambda^2 \over \pi c \Delta t_0}$, where $\Delta t_0 \approx {1\over n\sigma\sqrt{2kT \over m} }$ is the average collision time
- Dependence on atomic number density explains narrower lines of sparser
giant and supergiant extended atmospheres used for the
Morgan–Keenan classification
- Damping/Lorentz profile: shape of lines from natural and pressure broadening,
characteristic of radiation from electric charge in damped harmonic motion
- Voigt profile: total line profile from both Doppler and damping profiles,
with Doppler dominating at the core and damping dominating at wings
- Schuster–Schwarzchild model: assumes photosphere is a blackbody
and atoms above it create absorption lines
- Number of atoms involved in absorption per surface area: $fN$
- Where oscillator strength $f$ is the relative likelihood of each transition,
and column density $N$ is the area density of absorbing atoms in a column from the surface to the observer
- Curve of growth for line width as a function of column density:
- Initially optically thin core: $W \propto N$
- Then, saturated core with optically thin wings: $W \propto \sqrt{\ln N}$
- For high $N$, pressure-broadening profile dominates wings: $W \propto \sqrt N$
- Applying Boltzmann and Saha equations to curve of growth finds total number of atoms above continuum layer
- Applying Boltzmann equation also finds excitation temperature
- Applying Saha equation also finds either e$^-$ pressure or ionization temperature from the other
Computer modeling
- Construction of an atmospheric model with extensive physics fine-tuned to observations
can provide information on line profile, chemical composition, effective temperature,
surface gravity, etc
10. The Interiors of Stars
- Direct observation only possible with neutrinos and the occasional supernovae
- Study requires physically accurate computer models that match observable surface features
Hydrostatic equilibrium
- Equilibrium condition requires pressure gradient to counteract gravity: ${dP \over dr} = −\rho g$
- Local gravity $g \equiv {G M_r \rho \over r^2}$, where $M_r$ is mass enclosed within $r$
- Mass conservation ${dM_r \over dr} = 4\pi r^2 \rho$
- Total pressure $P = {\rho kT \over \mu} + {aT^4\over3}$
- Where first term is ideal gas law and second term is radiation pressure
- With as mean molecular weight
Kelvin–Helmholtz mechanism
- Contraction releases gravitational energy $\Delta E \approx {3\over10} {GM^2 \over R}$
- Gravitational energy contribution $\epsilon = −{dQ \over dt} = −T {dS \over dt}$
- Where specific entropy: $dS \equiv {dQ \over T}$
- Contraction produces heat and decreases entropy;
vise versa for expansion
- Kelvin–Helmholtz timescale of star $t = {\Delta E\over L}$, $t_\odot \approx 10^7 \text{ years}$
Nuclear fusion
- Releases difference in strong nuclear force binding energy:
- $E = \Delta m_0c^2 = ( Z m_\text{p} + (A−Z) m_\text{n} − m_\text{nucleus} ) c^2$
- Timescale $t_\odot \approx 10^{10}$
- Must overcome Coulombic repulsion between positive nucleons: $\sim10^6$ eV at $r \approx 10^{-15}$ m
- Thermal energy of gas: $E = {\mu v^2 \over 2} = {p^2 \over 2\mu}$
- Where $\mu$ is reduced mass and $v$ is average relative velocity
- Requires impossibly high temperatures in classical physics:
$E = {3\over2} kT = {q_1q_2 \over 4\pi r \epsilon_0} \to T \approx 10^{10} \text{ K}$ for H–H fusion
- With quantum tunneling (de Broglie $\lambda = {h \over p} \approx r$):
$E = {(h/\lambda)^2\over2\mu} = {q_1q_2 \over 4\pi\lambda\epsilon_0} \to T \approx 10^7 \text{ K}$, consistent with solar core temperature estimates
- Reaction rate depends on velocity (wavelength) distribution, densities, and
cross-sectional area of particles 1 and 2: $r = \int n_1 \; n_2 \; \sigma(E) \; v(E) \; { n(E)\over n} \; dE$
- Power-law approximation: $r = r_0 \; X_1 \; X_2 \; \rho^{\alpha'} \; T^\beta$,
- Where $X$ are mass fractions, $\alpha' \approx 2$, and $\beta$ ranging from ~1 to ≥40
- Velocity distribution follows Maxwell–Boltzmann
- Cross section $\sigma(E) = {S \over E} e^{−b/\sqrt E}$
- Where de Broglie area is $\pi\lambda^2 \propto {1\over p^2} \propto {1\over E}$,
and tunneling across barrier of energy $U$ is $e^{‐2\pi^2 U/E} \propto e^{−b/\sqrt E}$,
with $b \propto q_1q_2\sqrt\mu$
- $S$ may be slow-varying function of $E$, or may have sharp peaks from resonance of
specific energy levels within the nucleus
- Electron screening from sea of free e$^-$ partially hides nuclei,
reducing effective charge and Coulomb barrier,
sometimes enhancing He production by 10–50%
- Likelihood of nuclear reaction: $e^{−b/\sqrt E} e^{−E/kT}$
- Product of velocity distribution’s high-energy tail and the quantum tunneling terms
- Most likely energy ("Gamow peak") $E_0 = \left(bkT\over2\right)^{2\over3}$
- Luminosity gradient ${dL_r \over dr} = 4\pi r^2\rho$,
- Where $L_r$ is luminosity enclosed in $r$,
and $\epsilon$ is specific power (power released per mass)
- Notation: $^A_Z\text{He}$, where $A$ is atomic mass number and $Z$ is proton number
- Simultaneous 4-body collision $4 {\;}^1_1\text{H} + ? \to {\;}^4_2\text{He} + ?$ extremely unlikely
- Reaction chain of 2-body interactions more probable
- Interactions must obey conservation laws:
electric charge, nucleon number, and lepton number
- Proton–proton chain (H burning): $4 {\;}^1_1\text{H} \to {\;}^4_2\text{He} + 2\text{e}^+ + 2\nu + 2\gamma$
- Three branches (see Fig. 10.8)
- In Sun, 69% PP I, 31% PP II, 0.3% PP III
- Near $T = 1.5 \times 10^7 \text{ K}$, $\epsilon \approx \epsilon_0 \rho X_\text{H}^2 \left(T \over 10^6 \text{ K}\right)^4$
- Where $\epsilon_0 = 1.08 \times 10^{-12} \text{ W}\;\text{m}^3\;\text{kg}^{-2}$
- CNO cycle (H burning): $\text{C}$, $\text{N}$, and $\text{O}$ are catalysts
- Two main branches, with the second only occuring ~0.04% of the time
- Near $T = 1.5 \times 10^7 \text{ K}$, $\epsilon \approx \epsilon_0 \rho X_\text{H} X_\text{CNO} \left(T \over 10^6 \text{ K}\right)^{20}$
- Where $\epsilon_0 = 8.24 \times 10^{-31} \text{ W}\;\text{m}^3\;\text{kg}^{-2}$
- Much more temperature-dependent, only dominating in more massive stars
- Triple-alpha process (He burning): $2 {\;}^4_2\text{H} \leftrightarrow {\;}^8_4\text{Be}$, ${\;}^8_4\text{Be} + {\;}^4_2\text{He} \to {\;}^{12}_6\text{C} + \gamma$
- First step produces an extremely unstable $^8_4\text{Be}$,
thus combined is essentially a 3-body interaction: $r \propto (\rho Y)^3$
- $\epsilon \approx \epsilon_0 \rho^2 Y^3 \left(T \over 10^8 \text{ K}\right)^{41}$
- Incredibly strong temperature dependence
- Alpha process (C & O burning): $^{12}_6\text{C} + {\;}^4_2\text{He} → {\;}^{16}_8\text{O} + \gamma$, $^{16}_8\text{O} + {\;}^4_2\text{He} \to {\;}^{20}_{10}\text{Ne} + \gamma$
- Alpha capture becomes prohibitive at higher $Z$ due to higher Coulomb barrier
- C–C burning near $6 \times 10^8$ K and O–O burning near $10^9$ K can produce Na, Mg, Si, P, and S;
some are endothermic but are normally less likely
- Binding energy per nucleon ${E\over A}$
- Relative to atomic number $A$, local maxima are very stable
- Magic nuclei: some elements ($^4_2$He, $^{16}_8$O) have unusually high ${E\over A}$
- Broad peak around $^{56}_{26}$Fe, the most stable nuclei
Energy transport and thermodynamics
- Three mechanisms: radiation of photons (affected by opacity),
convection, and conduction (generally insignificant)
- Radiative temperature gradient ${dT \over dr} = −{3\over4ac} {\kappa\rho \over T^3} {L\over4\pi r^2}$
- If temperature gradient becomes too steep, convection takes hold
- Convection is much more complicated than radiation
- Strongly coupled to the star’s dynamic behavior
- 3D Navier–Stokes with turbulence is hard compute
- Pressure scale height, convection’s characteristic length scale,
is big: $H \equiv −P {dr \over dP} \approx {P\over\rho g} \approx {R_*\over 10}$
- First law of thermodynamics: $dU = dQ − dW = dQ − P \;dV$
- $U$ is a state function; $Q$ and $W$ are not — $dQ$ and $dW$ are inexact differentials
- Specific heat capacity $C \equiv {\partial Q \over \partial T}$, $C_P = C_V + nR$
- $C_P$ is at constant pressure; $C_V$ is at constant volume
- Heat capacity ratio / adiabatic index $\gamma \equiv {C_P \over C_V}$
- $\gamma = {5\over3}$ for a monoatomic gas;
approaches 1 in a partial ionization zone as both specific heats increase
- Isochoric process ($dV = 0$): $dU = dQ = C_V \;dT$
- Adiabatic process ($dQ = 0$): $dU = −P \;dV$
- Gas law: $P \propto {1 \over V^\gamma} \propto \rho^\gamma \propto T^{\gamma/(\gamma−1)}$
- Speed of sound $v = \sqrt{B\over\rho} = \sqrt{\gamma P \over \rho}$
- Where bulk modulus $B \equiv −V {\partial P \over \partial V} \;{dQ = 0} $
- Adiabatic temperature gradient ${dT \over dr} = −\left(1 − {1\over\gamma}\right) {\mu \over k} {GM \over r^2} = −{g \over C_P}$
- If the surrounding temperature gradient is steeper than the bubble’s,
even just slightly, the condition becomes superadiabatic,
and nearly all luminosity is transferred outwards adiabatically,
via convection instead of radiation
- Equivalent criterion: ${d(\ln P) \over d(\ln T)} < {\gamma \over \gamma − 1}$, = 2.5 for ideal monoatomic gas
- In general, convection occurs if a region
- has high opacity (surrounding ${dT \over dr} \propto \kappa$),
- is ionizing and raising the specific heat capacity (bubble ${dT \over dr} \propto {1 \over C_P}$), or
- has a highly temperature-dependent fusion process
- First two conditions can occur simultaneously;
third only occurs deep in the interior with the CNO or triple-alpha processes
- Convective flux under mixing-length theory:
$F = \rho C_P {k\over\mu} \left({T \over g} \delta\left(dT \over dr\right)\right)^{3/2} \alpha^2 \sqrt\beta$
- Where $0.5 \lesssim \alpha \lesssim 3$ and $0 \lesssim \beta \lesssim 1$ are free parameters
- $\alpha \equiv {l\over H}$, the ratio of the mixing length
(distance traveled by bubble before thermaliing with surrounding)
and the pressure scale height
- $\beta : \beta v^2$ is the average kinetic energy of the bubble as it travels over $l$
Stellar model building
- Basic stellar models need constructive relations for $P$, $\bar\kappa$, and $\epsilon$:
expressing them in terms of density, temperature, and composition
- $P$ (pressure) generally modelable with ideal gas law and radiation pressure,
but is more complex in certain stars’ deep interiors
- $\bar\kappa$ (mean opacity) calculated explicitly from tabular data or fitting functions
- $\epsilon$ (specific power) calculated analytically from reaction networks
- Boundary conditions:
- As $r \to 0$, ${M_r, L_r} \to 0$
- And ignoring extended atmospheres and mass loss:
as $r \to R_*$, ${T, P, \rho} \to 0$
- Vogt–Russell theorem:
due to a star’s dependence on nuclear burning,
its mass and internal composition uniquely determine
its radius, luminosity, internal structure, and subsequent evolution
- Ignores smaller influences such as magnetic fields and rotation
- General modeling numeric integrates shell-by-shell
with the system of differential equations,
often from from a transition point towards both the surface and the center
- Polytropes: simplified stellar models in which $P(\rho) \propto \rho^\gamma$
- Lane–Emden equation: ${1\over\xi^2} {d \over d\xi} \left(\xi^2 {d(D_n) \over d\xi}\right) = −D_n^n$
- Where the polytropic index $n : \gamma \equiv {n+1 \over n}$
- TODO: too complicated
Main sequence
- Vast majority of stars have H mass fraction $X \approx 0.7$ and metal mass fraction $0 \lesssim Z \lesssim 0.03$
- Changes in core composition affects observed surface features
- Very light stars ($M \lesssim 0.08 M_\odot$) are not hot enough to let fusion
stabilize against gravitational contraction
- Highly opaque and fully convective
- Lower-initiation-energy PP chain dominates for low-mass stars
- Shallow core thermal gradient leads to radiative core
- High shell opacity leads to convective shell
- Highly-temperature-dependent CNO cycle dominates for high-mass stars ($M \gtrsim 1.2 M_\odot$)
- Steep core thermal gradient leads to convective core
- Low shell opacity leads to radiative shell
- Very massive stars ($M \gtrsim 90 M_\odot$) have rapid core thermal oscillations
affecting fusion rates
- Very massive stars may also have radiation pressure exceed gas pressure at
outer layers, with maximum stable luminosity given by Eddington limit:
$L ≤ {4\pi GcM\over\bar\kappa}$
- Main-sequence lifetimes decrease with increasing luminosity
11. The Sun
- Loosely treated as two parts:
an optically thin atmosphere and an optically thick core
- Transition is $\sim600$ km thick
Solar interior
- Hydrogen burning below $R \lesssim 0.3 \,R_\odot$; convection above $R \gtrsim 0.7 \,R_\odot$
- Heterogeneous composition due to nucleosynthesis, convection, and elmental diffusion
- $^4_2$He is more abundant than $^1_1$H below $R \lesssim 0.1 \,R_\odot$
- $^3_2$He abundance peaks at the top of the hydrogen-burning region,
where cooler temperatures slow the $^3_2$He–$^3_2$He reaction
- Convection zone turbulence creates homogeneous composition
- Peak energy generation region is shell around $r \approx 0.1\, R_\odot$
- ${dL\over dr}$ affected by shell volume and fuel availability,
both smaller at the very center, as well as temperature and pressure
- Surface Li abundance somewhat less than expected for the current solar model
- Mikheyev–Smirnov–Wolfenstein effect: neutrino oscillation between the
$\text{e}^-$, $\mu^-$, and $\tau^-$ flavors explains the solar neutrino problem of only ⅓ as many
$\text{e}^-$ neutrinos as expected being detected from the solar core
- Where optical photons originate
- Starts 100 km below where $\tau_\text{500 nm} = 1$, extending $\sim600$ km
- Temperature drops from $\sim9400$ K at base to $\gtrsim4400$ K at top
- Continuum opacity partly due to H$^-$ near base of photosphere,
as the far more abundant neutral H I cannot contribute much to the continuum
- Absorption lines produced in higher, cooler, more opaque regions of the photosphere
- Granulation: patches of bright and dark regions ($\sim700$ km) at base of photosphere due to
underlying convection zone; Doppler shifts ($\sim0.4$ km/s) cause wiggles in absorption lines
- Characteristic lifetime ($\sim10$ minutes) corresponds to the time a
convection eddy takes to rise and fall 1 mixing length
- Differential rotation: Doppler shifts at solar limb and solar oscillations
show the solar rotation varies by latitude and by radius
- Period of 25 days at equator lengths to 36 days at poles
- Tachocline: base of convection zone ($\sim 0.65 R_\odot$) where differing rotation rates converge,
resulting in strong shear theorized to create plasma which
generate the solar magnetic field
- Where temperature begins rising again, from 4400 to $\sim10\,000$ K
- Starts 525 km above where $\tau_\text{500 nm} = 1$, extending $\sim1600$ km
- Density and intensity $\sim10^{-4}$ of the photosphere
- Low density and high temperature produce certain absorption and emission lines,
- As the blackbody continuum emission peaks $\sim500$ nm, visible-spectrum emission lines are
only clearly seen in a flash spectrum of the limb near total eclipse
- Strength of $\text{H}\alpha$ emission line allows filters to selectively observe the chromosphere structure
- Supergranulation: patches of $\sim30\,000$ km wide from underlying convection
- Spicules: vertical gas filaments extending upwards for $\sim10\,000$ km,
ejecting mass at $\sim15$ km/s
Transition region
- Starts $\sim2100$ km above $\tau_\text{500 nm} = 1$, extending to the corona
- Temperature rises rapidly to $\sim10^5$ K in 100 km, then slowly to $\gtrsim10^6$ K
- Selectively observed in various UV bands (e.g. Lyman $\alpha$ at $\sim20\,000$ K)
- Faint region ($\lesssim 10^{15} \text{ particles/m}^3$) with vaguely defined outer boundary
- High-temperature, high-thermal-conductivity, approximately isothermal plasma
- Quiet corona near sunspot minimum (low solar activity)
- More extended at equator than poles, consistent with nearly dipole magnetic field
- Active corona near sunspot maximum
- More complex magnetic field shape and structure
- Essentially transparent to most EM radiation
- Not in local thermodynamic equilibrium thus no strictly definable temperature,
but estimated to be $\gtrsim 2 \times 10^6 \text{ K}$
- Parker wind model: not in hydrostatic equilibrium as pressure does not vanish at infinity,
implying solar wind
- Kontinuierlich/continuous K corona:
- From free electron scattering of photospheric light primary between $1 \sim 2.3\, R_\odot$
- Spectral lines essentially blended into continuum from high-velocity Doppler broadening
- Fraunhofer F corona:
- From dust scattering of photospheric light beyond $2.3\, R_\odot$
- Slower dust grains have less Doppler broadening and leave detectable Fraunhofer lines
- Merges with zodiacal light from interplanetary dust
- Emission E corona:
- From highly ionized coronal atoms, very rich in emission lines in the X-ray spectrum
- Low number density enable forbidden transitions between metastable energy levels,
as well as low-energy free-free transitions that produce radio waves
- Radio waves also produced by relativistic electrons’ synchrotron radiation
Solar wind
- Stream of escaped ions and electrons
- Deflects comets’ ion tails differently than pure radiation pressure on their dust tails
- Trapped into Van Allen belts by planetary magnetospheres and
create aurorae upon reaching atmosphere
- Fast solar wind: $\sim750$ km/s, produced from open magnetic fields
- Associated with coronal holes — darker, cooler coronal regions
- Slow solar wind: $\sim300$ km/s, produced by coronal streamers around closed magnetic fields;
- Associated with X-ray bright spots from trapped spiralling charges
- Heliopause: outer limit of the Sun’s EM influence;
where solar wind meets the interstellar medium and produces a termination shock
- Heliosheath: beyond the termination shock,
particles slow, magnetic field strengthens, and density increases
Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)
- Longitudinal pressure waves propagate outward from top of convection zone
- Drastic drop in medium density turn waves supersonic, creating shock fronts
that drastically heat up chromospheric gas as they dissipate
- Magnetic energy density and pressure $u = P = {B^2\over2\mu_0}$
- Transverse Alfvén waves propagate from oscillations in magnetic field lines
- Resistive Joule heating from electrical currents in Alfvén waves also
contributes to temperature rise, in particular the steep gradient of the transition region
- Open magnetic field lines are dragged by stellar rotation across interplanetary space,
slowing stars down significantly over their lifetimes
- Zeeman splitting indicates strong magnetic fields,
which inhibit convective motion below and create dark spots
- Umbra: darkest portion with vertical field lines; diameter $\lesssim 30\,000 $km
- Penumbra: border with filament-like structure with field lines becoming horizontal
- Generally located in groups,
with one dominant sunspot leading several in the direction of rotation
- Lead sunspots in the same hemisphere always have the same polarity
during an 11-year cycle
- Opposite polarity in the other hemisphere
- Frequency follows 11-year cycle, starting from sunspot minimum
- Butterfly diagram: average latitude starts near $\pm40^\circ$, migrating to the equator over cycle
- Solar polarity reverses during sunspot minimum, thus technically 22-year cycle
- Long-term variations include the Maunder minimum spanning 1645–1715
- Chromospheric regions of higher density and bright H$\alpha$ emission
- Located near sunspots, forming before they appear and vanishing after they disappear
- Caused by magnetic fields
- Eruptive events releasing $10^{17}\sim10^{25}$ J of energy over timespans from milliseconds to over an hour
- May reach 100,000 km in length
- Develop in sunspot groups with intense stored magnetic energy
- Reconnection of magnetic field lines creates a sheet of current in the plasma,
Joule heating the gas up to $10^8$ K
- Charged particles are accelerated away from the reconnection point
- $\text{H}\alpha$ line becomes locally in emission from ejected particles
recombining by the base of the field lines
- Solar cosmic rays from particles ejected towards outer space
- Nonthermal radio waves from synchrotron radiation around field lines
- Soft X-rays from high temperatures in loop below reconnection point
- Hard X- and gamma-rays from surface nuclear reactions,
including spallation of heavy nuclei: $^1_1\text{H} + {\;}^{16}_8\text{O} \to {\;}^{12}_6\text{C}+ {\;}^4_2\text{He} + {\;}^1_1\text{H} + \gamma$
- Quiescent prominence:
- Curtains of cooler ($\sim8000$ K) ionized gas collected along magnetic field lines
- May be stable for weeks
- Appear as dark filaments against the disk
- Eruptive/active prominence:
- Suddenly destabilized magnetic field configuration
- Energy converted into lifting prominence away from the Sun
Coronal mass ejections (CMEs)
- Ejects $5 \times 10^{12} \sim 5 \times 10^{13} \text{ kg}$ of material at speeds of $400\sim1000$ km/s
- $\sim1$/day, more frequent near sunspot maximum
- 70% correlated with eruptive prominences; 40% correlated with flares
Magnetic activity in other stars
- Flare stars: M-type main-sequence stars whose occasional rapid fluctuation in brightness
may be due to large flares on their relatively dimr surface
- Starspots may be used to measure stellar rotation
- Magnetic field lines measured from Zeeman broadening correlate with luminosity variations
Interstellar medium (ISM)
- Gas and dust between the stars
- 70% H, ~30% He, rest metals (C, Si, etc)
- Used in star formation; returned by stellar winds and explosive events
- ~1% of molecular clouds by mass, but significant in light absorption and cloud chemistry
- Likely facilitate formation of many molecules besides H$_2$,
including solid CO, H$_2$O, etc that give the grains icy mantles
- Formed in dense envelopes of very cool stars, from supernovae and stellar winds
- Unexpected abundance of large grains an area of active research
- Responsible for interstellar extinction, a $\lambda$-dependent increase in apparent magnitude
from scattering and absorption of starlight: $A = \Delta m$
- Approximately equal to the optical depth: $A \approx 1.086\tau$
- Visual band extinction commonly used as reference: $A_V$
- Mie theory applies to IR–visible range
- Shorter wavelengths are scattered more (though spectral lines go unaltered),
causing interstellar reddening along direct line of sight,
and blue tones in reflection nebulae
- Extinction coefficient: $Q(\lambda) \equiv {\sigma(\lambda)\over\sigma_g}$
- With dust grain radius: $r$ such that grain cross section: $\sigma_g = \pi r^2$
- Where photon cross section approaches 0 for $\lambda \gg r$ and a constant for $\lambda \ll r$:
$\sigma(\lambda) \propto {r^3\over\lambda}$ for $\lambda \gtrsim r$, and $\sigma(\lambda) \propto r^2$ for $\lambda \ll r$
- Color excesses relative to Mie prediction grow for shorter wavelengths
- Bump at 217.5 nm corresponding to resonance of graphite,
along with IR emission bands corresponding to C–C and C–H bond vibrations,
indicate presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
- Near-IR absorption bands indicate presence of silicate grains
- Slight, $\lambda$-dependent polarization due to anisotropic, somewhat aligned dust grains;
alignment most likely due to interactions with a weak magnetic field
- 21-cm line: anti-aligned spins ↑↓ has slightly less energy than aligned spins ↑↑
- Very stable, “forbidden” transition that takes millions of years
on average to occur per atom
- Only possible (although still rare) for H I in low-density diffuse ISM
- Optically thin, thus optical depth $\propto$ H column density
- H$_2$ hard to directly observe except for rovibrational bands;
tracer molecules and their isotopomers used instead
- Optically thick dust shields H$_2$ from UV photodissociation,
as well as enhancing H$_2$ formation
- H I generally proportional in number to dust when $A_V \lesssim 1$;
displaced by H$_2$ when dust becomes optically thick
- Shells of H I clouds surround molecular clouds of H$_2$
Interstellar cloud structure
- Most diffuse ISM are hydrogen clouds of ground state H I,
only absorbing UV photons and emitting in 21-cm line
- Transluscent/diffuse molecular clouds:
irregularly shaped; similar in conditions to H I clouds;
primarily atomic H with regional concentrations of H$_2$
- Giant molecular clouds (GMCs): enormous complexes with clumpy structure
- Contains slightly denser dark cloud complexes, denser clumps and dense cores,
and very dense, star-forming hot cores
- Bok globules:
almost-spherical clouds located outside of larger molecular complexes;
possibly dense cores stripped of surrounding gas by stellar winds
thing |
$T$ (K) |
$M\;(M_\odot)$ |
$A_V$ |
$n$ (m$^{-3}$ |
$D$ (pc) |
diffuse molecular cloud |
$15\sim50$ |
$3\sim100$ |
$1\sim5$ |
$5 \times 10^8 \sim 5 \times 10^9$ |
$1\sim10$ |
giant molecular cloud |
$\sim15$ |
$10^5\sim10^6$ |
$\gtrsim1$ |
$1 \times 10^8 \sim 3 \times 10^8$ |
$\sim50$ |
· dark cloud complex |
$\sim10$ |
$\sim10^4$ |
$\sim5$ |
$\sim5 \times 10^8$ |
$\sim10$ |
· clump |
$\sim10$ |
$\sim30$ |
$\sim10$ |
$\sim 1 \times 10^9$ |
$1\sim5$ |
· dense core |
$\sim10$ |
$\sim10$ |
$\gtrsim10$ |
$\sim 1 \times 10^{10}$ |
$\sim0.1$ |
· hot core |
$100\sim300$ |
$10\sim1000$ |
$50\sim1000$ |
$1 \times 10^{13} \sim 1 \times 10^{15}$ |
$0.05\sim0.1$ |
Bok globule |
$10\sim$ |
$1\sim1000$ |
$\sim10$ |
$\gtrsim 1 \times 10^{10}$ |
$\lesssim1$ |
Interstellar cloud heating and cooling
- Primarily heated by cosmic ray protons
- $E$ ranges $10–10^{14}$ MeV, with $10^3–10^8$ MeV common
- Ionizes H and H$_2$, ejecting e$^-$’s that distribute thermal energy
throughout ISM via collisions with molecules
- Also heated by UV starlight ionizing C and dust grains,
X-ray starlight ionizing H, dust grains absorbing starlight,
and shocks from supernovae and strong stellar winds
- Primarily cooled by IR radiation from post-collision de-excitations,
particularly those of C$^+$ and CO after colliding with H and H$_2$, respectively
- Protostars: pre-nuclear-burning objects formed from molecular clouds
- Deviation from hydrostatic equilibrium means imbalance in the virial theorem:
$2K < |U|$ ⇒ gravitational collapse
- Jeans criterion, minimum necessary for spontaneous collapse:
- Jeans mass $M \approx \sqrt{ \left(5kT \over G\mu\right)^3 {3\over4\pi\rho_0} }$
- Jeans length $R \approx \sqrt{ 15kT \over 4\pi G\mu\rho_0}$
- Neglecting rotation, turbulence, magnetic fields,
and pressure of surrounding gas
- Bonnor–Ebert criterion accounts for external pressure $P_0$
- Bonnor–Ebert mass: $M = { c_BE v^4 \over \sqrt{P_0 G^3} }$
- Where isothermal sound speed $v \equiv \sqrt{kT\over\mu}$,
and constant $c_\text{BE} \approx 1.18$
- Low-pressure, optically thin first phase of collapse essentially isothermal and in free-fall
- Free-fall timescale $t = \sqrt{3\pi \over 32G\rho_0}$
- Homologous collapse:
Initially uniform spherical cloud would uniformly contract and condense
- Inside-out collapse:
Somewhat centrally condensed cloud will have
shorter free-fall time and thus condense faster near center
- Significant rotation results in disk-like structure
- Magnetic pressure keeps clouds balanced; eddy braking slows collapse
- Critical mass with magnetic pressure: $M = {c_B \pi R^2 B \over \sqrt G}$
- Supercritical mass achieved by merger of subcritical clouds,
or (more commonly) regional lessening of magnetic field
- Ambipolar diffusion: neutral particles drift gravitationally,
but are slowed by collisions with magnetically-frozen charged particles
- Fragmentation: increasing density with constant $T$ reduces Jeans mass,
causing density inhomogeneities to collapse locally,
forming large numbers of small protostars in place of a single massive one
- Initial mass function (IMF):
number of stars formed per mass interval strongly mass-dependent,
with abundance of low-mass stars
- Increasing density purely adiabatically increases Jeans mass
- Fragmentation stops as center becomes optically thick when $\sim10^{-10} \text{ kg}\;\text{m}^{-3}$,
trapping radiation and making collapse more adiabatic
- Central region reaches near hydrostatic equilibrium and becomes protostar
- Larger dust photosphere has radius and effective temperature where $\tau = {2\over3}$,
putting star on H–R diagram
- ~10 AU wide for collapse from $1 M_\odot$ cloud
Protostar evolution
- Surrounding material still in free-fall until meeting protostellar core,
releasing significant kinetic energy at shock front as they slow from
supersonic speeds
- Emits blackbody radiation predominantly in IR
- Luminosity increases with temperature for several thousand years
- Dust begins to vaporize and opacity drops ~1000 K
- Substatially reduces photosphere radius to nearly the surface of the
hydrostatic core
- Increases effective temperature with little change in luminosity
- $\text{H}_2$ dissociates ~2000 K,
absorbing thermal energy otherwise used to maintain hydrostatic equilibrium,
triggering second collapse
- Core radius decreases to $\sim1.3 R_\odot$ for collapse from $1 M_\odot$ cloud, while
core mass $\ll 1 M_\odot$, indicating ongoing accretion at a second shock front
- Hot core begins burning deuterium ($^2_1\text{H}$), producing ~60% of luminosity,
which stays roughly constant
- Deuterium burn-out leads to sharp drop in luminosity with small decrease
in effective temperature, leading to pre-main-sequence star
Protostar observation
- Direct observation shielded by thick dust of molecular cloud,
and made rare by relatively short free-fall time
- Small IR sources embedded in dense cores or Bok globules indicate collapse
- Infalling material around embedded IR objects show twin spectral splitting
from Doppler effect
Pre-main-sequence evolution
- Increasing temperatures lead to H$^-$ opacity dominating in outer layers,
creating envelope to become deeply convective
- Hayashi track: convection constrains H–R path to near vertical line
- Luminosity decreases with slight increase in temperature
as protostar slows collapse and reaches hydrostatic equilibrium
- Formation of $\sim1 M_\odot$ stars:
- Completely convective from high H$^-$ opacity for the first $\sim10^6$ years of collapse,
slowed little by scarce deuterium burning
- Rising central temperature decreases opacity and creates expanding radiative core
- Core begins generating energy from first steps in the
PP I chain ($2 {\;}^1_1\text{H} \to {\;}^3_2\text{He}$) and CNO cycle ($^{12}_6\text{C} + {\;}^1_1\text{H} \to ^{14}_7\text{N}$),
- Surface luminosity increases with temperature again and moves star off Hayashi track
- Core burning comes to increasingly dominate luminosity generation
- CNO reactions give core steep temperature gradient and some convection
- Core expansion from intense nuclear energy production expends gravitational energy,
lowering luminosity and effective temperature to main-sequence values
- After exhaustion of $^{12}_6$C for CNO, core reaches temperature
for hydrostatic hydrogen burning via the full PP I chain
- Formation of $\lesssim 0.5 M_\odot$ stars:
- Central temperature never reaches efficient $^{12}_6$C-burning temperatures
for upward branch between Hayashi track and main sequence
- Fully convection: temperature stays sufficiently low and opacity sufficiently high
to never develop radiative core
- Formation of brown dwarfs ($0.013 \sim 0.072 M_\odot$):
- Low nuclear burning rate cannot form main-sequence star
- $\text{Li}$ burning $\gtrsim 0.06 M_\odot$
- Deuterium burning $\gtrsim 0.013 M_\odot$ (~13 Jupiter masses)
- Spectral types L and T
- Formation of massive stars:
- High central temperatures leads to early, high-luminosity departure from Hayashi track
- Evolve nearly horizontally across H–R diagram
- Full CNO cycle becomes dominant H-burning mechanism,
with steep thermal gradient keeping core convective
- Zero-age main sequence (ZAMS): when stars begin equilibrium hydrogen burning
- OB associations: star groups dominated by O and B main-sequence stars
- Massive O and B protostars will first vaporize surrounding dust,
then dissociate molecules, and finally ionize immediate surroundings
into an $\text{H II}$ region within an $\text{H I}$ region
- $\text{H II}$ regions: $\text{H I}$ ionized into $\text{H II}$ by protostar UV radiation fluoresce in visible light
during recombination, creating emission nebulae
in the visible spectrum during recombination
- Strömgren radius of $\text{H II}$ region: $r \approx \sqrt[3]{3N \over 4\pi\alpha n^2}$
- Where $N$ is rate of ionizing photon production,
$\alpha$ is likelihood of recombination, and n is number density of protons and electrons
- Radiation pressure from cluster of highly luminous O and B stars
drives significant mass loss, disperses surrounding cloud (halting star formation),
and weakens gravitational bound of star group (generally unbinding them)
- Circumstellar disks
- Formed by spin-up of cloud transferring angular momentum away from collapsing star,
possibly via stellar winds coupled to magnetic fields from within the convection zones
- Continuous spectrum from reflection of protostar light
- May be accretion or debris disks, possibly forming protoplanets
- Proplyds: protoplanetary disks $\gtrsim 10^{25} \text{ kg}$
- Herbig–Haro objects:
narrow beams of supersonic gas jets ejected from poles of young protostars
- Collision with ISM results in excitations, producing bright emission lines
- T Tauri stars:
low-mass ($0.5\sim2 M_\odot$) pre-main-sequence objects in intermediate phase
between IR source and main-sequence star
- Large irregular variations in luminosity with timescales ~ days
- Strong H, Ca II, and Fe emission and Li absorption
- Often forbidden [O I] and [S II] indicative of extremely low gas densities
- Some lines have a P Cygni profile indicative of significant mass loss $\approx 10^{-8} M_\odot$/year:
blueshifted absorption trough before an emission peak and
a redshifted emission tail
- P Cygni profile sometimes inverts, indicating significant mass accretion in
a very unstable environment
- FU Orionis stars:
T Tauri stars undergoing extreme mass accretion ($\approx 10^{-4} M_\odot$/year)
and increase in luminosity ($\gtrsim4$ magnitudes)
- Circumstellar disk instabilities dump $\sim 0.01 M_\odot$ of material
onto central star over ~100 years
- Inner disk outshines centural star by $100–1000\times$
- May occur to a T Tauri star several times over its lifetime
- Herbig Ae/Be stars: type A and B pre-main-sequence stars with strong emission lines
Modifications to classical model
- Classical model neglects rotation, turbulence, magnetic fields,
initial inhomogeneities, strong stellar winds, ionizing stellar radiation,
pressure-free protostellar collapse, likely smaller initial radii,
and upper limits to massive star accretion,
- Birth line: evolutionary theories with smaller initial radii
place upper limit on observed protostar luminosity
- Some observations suggest massive starts $\gtrsim 10 M_\odot$ may
instead form from mergers or with accretion disk
due to limiting feedback mechanism on non-rotational accretion
- Classical model predicts inverse relation of collapse time and mass,
implying massive stars would disperse surrounding cloud before
any low-mass stars can form
13. Main Sequence and Post-Main-Sequence Stellar Evolution
- Generally dominated by nuclear reaction timescale
- Kelvin–Helmholtz timescale relevant when transitioning between nuclear sources
Main sequence (MS)
- Stars $0.3\sim1.2 M_\odot$:
- Initially, core burns H, predominantly via PP chain
- Radiative due to low temperature dependence
- Core burning radius, density, and temperature rise due to fusion’s increase of
mean molecular weight causing contraction and release of gravitational energy
- Surface luminosity, radius, and effective temperature consequently rise over lifetime
- Temperature high enough to burn thick H shell around core immediately after core H depletion
- Core now isothermal and predominantly He, growing as He ash rains down from shell
- Shell H burning generates more power than core H burning, but some of it is
converted into gravitational potential through slow expansion of envelope
- Effective temperature decreases slightly
- Schönberg–Chandrasekhar limit, max mass fraction of an isothermal core
in hydrostatic equilibrium supported by ideal gas pressure:
${M' \over M} \lesssim 0.37 \left(\mu\over\mu'\right)^2$
- Where $M'$ and $\mu'$ are mass and mean molecular weights of the core
- Derived from hydrostatic pressure: ${dP \over dM} = -{Gm \over 4\pi r^4}$
- After reaching SC limit, core contracts on Kelvin–Helmholtz timescale
unless mass is low enough to be supported by temperature-independent
electron degeneracy pressure: $P \propto \rho^{5\over3}$
- Stars $\gtrsim 1.2 M_\odot$:
- Initially, core nearly homogeneous due to convective mixing
- Convection zone decreases in mass during H burning
- Shrinks faster for more massive stars,
disappearing entirely before H exhaustion for stars $\gtrsim 10 M_\odot$
- Leaves slight composition gradient
- After near-exhaustion of core H ($X \approx 0.05$ for $M \approx 5 M_\odot$), entire star contracts
on Kelvin–Helmholtz timescale while increasing luminosity and effective temperature
Subgiant branch (SGB)
- Low-mass stars:
- Rapid core contraction releases gravitational energy,
expanding envelope and decreasing effective temperature
- Raised H shell temperature and density rapidly increases power generation,
again expanding envelope
- Massive stars:
- Rising temperatures eventually trigger rapid ignition of thick H shell around core,
forcing slight expansion of star envelope,
momentarily decreasing luminosity and temperature
Red giant branch (RGB)
- Low- and intermediate-mass stars:
- Near-surface convection zone created for
due to $\text{H}^-$ ions increasing photospheric opacity
- All stars:
- Star rises along Hayashi track as convection zone dominates star interior
- First dredge-up: convection sinks elements from surface ($\text{Li}$, $^{12}_6\text{C}$, etc)
and surfaces products of nuclear processes ($^3_2\text{He}$, $^{14}_7\text{N}$, etc)
Red giant tip / start of helium fusion
- Stars $\lesssim 1.8 M_\odot$:
- He core becomes strongly electron-degenerate
- Significant neutrino losses create negative temperature gradient near center
- Helium core flash: explosive initiation of triple-alpha process in He core in seconds
- Core is rapidly lifted out of degeneracy outside-in, with
strong temperature dependence of triple-alpha driving extreme thermal runaway
- Briefly generates $\approx 10^{11} L_\odot$ of power, but most is absorbed in thermalizing core
- All stars;
- Core expands from He burning, pushing H-burning shell outward
- Luminosity abruptly decreases due to cooling of H-burning shell
- Effective temperature begins to increase due to envelope contraction
Horizontal branch (HB) / blue loop
- Stars $\lesssim 15 M_\odot$:
- Envelope contraction raises effective temperature
and compresses H-burning shell, increasing power generation
- Deep convection zone rises towards surface while triple-α makes core convective as well
- Many develop instabilities in outer envelope, leading to periodic pulsations
- Increase in mean molecular mass eventually causes core contraction,
expanding envelope and lowering effective temperature
- Depletion of core He rapidly accelerates core contraction
- Core now mostly C and O, becoming very degenerate and
cooling through significant neutrino production
- Contraction and heating of surrounding He shell initiates He shell burning,
in turn forcing expansion and cooling of surrounding H shell,
temporarily halting H shell burning
- Stars $\gtrsim 15 M_\odot$ do not experience the blue loop
Early asymptotic giant branch (E-AGB)
- All stars:
- He-burning shell generates most power while H-burning shell is nearly inactive
- Convective envelope absorbs energy and expands, lowering effective temperature
- Second dredge-up: convection deepens again,
bringing He and N from interior onto H-rich envelope
- Star back on Hayashi track, approaching previous RGB path asymptotically from the left
- Rapid mass loss due to low surface gravity
Thermally-pulsating AGB (TP-AGB)
- All stars:
- As He-burning shell nears exhaustion, H shell reignites
- He ash from H-burning shell builds up and makes base of He shell slightly degenerate,
eventually triggering helium shell flash
- Convection zone established between He- and H-burning shells
- He-burning expands and cools H-burning shell, gradually turning it off
- Process repeats with growing amplitude after every pulse
- Cycle evident from abrupt changes in surface luminosity
- Period ranges from $\sim10^3 \text{ years}$ for stars $\sim5 M_\odot$ to $10^5 \text{ years}$ for stars $\sim0.6 M_\odot$
- Long-Period Variables (LPVs) such as Mira have 100-700-day periods
- Stars $\gtrsim 2 M_\odot$
- Third dredge-up: convection envelope merges with inter-shell convection zone
and surfaces material from C-synthesizing region
- Inverting number ratio of O and C in stellar atmosphere creates carbon stars,
with spectral type C overlapping the traditional K and M
- Spectral type S inbetween M and C has approximately equal O and C abundances
- Mass loss in cool temperatures (~3000 K) expels into ISM
silicate grains from O-rich atmospheres and graphite grains from C-rich atmospheres
- S-process nucleosynthesis:
nuclei in deep interior capture neutrons produced by nuclear burning,
at a slow enough rate to radioactively decay before their next capture
- S and C-type stars dredge up elements with no stable isotopes (e.g. Tc) into atmosphere,
indicating active s-process
Late and post-AGB
- Stars $\lesssim 8 M_\odot$:
- He-burning increases mass of CO core, causing contraction until
electron degeneracy pressure dominates
- Mass loss accelerates with decreasing mass and increasing radius,
developing $\sim10^{-4} M_\odot$/year superwind
- Precise mechanism unknown
- Energizes shroud of optically thick dust clouds into OH/IR sources:
the OH molecules emit IR as masers
- Mass loss prevents catastrophic core collapse from Chandrasekhar limit,
allowing stars between $4\sim8 M_\odot$ to additionally synthesize Ne and Mg in cores
- Surrounding dust cloud eventually becomes optically thin from expansion,
revealing an F or G supergiant
- AGB phase ends as envelope is expelled, moving star nearly horizontally blueward
- Luminosity drops rapidly as H and He-burning shells lose pressure and extinguish,
revealing hot, degenerate C–O or ONeMg core: a white dwarf
- Planetary nebula: expanding shell of gas around white dwarf
- Emitting visible spectrum due to UV from central star remnant
- Complex morphologies due to preferentially equatorial ejection
- Receding at $10\sim30$ km/s, with character length scales of $\sim0.3$ pc
- Stars $\gtrsim 8 M_\odot$: see Ch. 15
Stellar populations
- Stars give ISM back material enriched with more heavy elements than given
- Population III: stars formed soon after the Big Bang with virtually no metals ($Z = 0$)
- Found in extreme deep field observations to primordial galaxies
- Population II: succeeding generations of metal-poor stars ($Z \gtrsim 0$)
- Found outside galactic disk and in globular clusters
- Population I: current generations of metal-rich stars ($Z \approx 0.03$)
- Found inside galactic disk and in open clusters
Stellar clusters
- Stars formed from the same cloud, with similar compositions and birth times
- Globular clusters: Population II, larger and older
- Galactic/open clusters: Population I, smaller and younger
- Graphed onto color-magnitude diagrams:
H–R diagrams with B–V indices rather than effective temperatures,
and apparent instead of absolute magnitudes if distance is not known
- Distance generally calculated with spectroscopic parallax
- Isochrone: curve fitting all stars of a cluster at a certain age
- Main-sequence turn-off point:
color and magnitude where stars are currently leaving main sequence
- Reflects age of cluster as point becomes redder and less luminous over time,
- Hertzsprung gap: absence of stars between late main sequence and red giant regions
due to rapid Kelvin–Helmholtz-timescale intermediate evolution
- Blue stragglers: group of stars found above turn-off point, possibly
due to mass exchange with binary companion or collision between stars
14. Stellar Pulsation
- Pulsating stars dim and brighten as radius and temperature change
- Long-Period Variables (LPVs; prototype: $\omicron$ Ceti / Mira):
thermally-pulsating asymptotic giants with $100\sim700$-day periods and somewhat irregular light curves
- May pulsate in either fundamental or first overtone mode
- Classical Cepheids (prototype: $\delta$ Cephei):
supergiant Ib stars with 1–50-day periods proportional to their average luminosities
- Period–luminosity relation (Leavitt’s law):
$V = –2.81 \log_{10} P – 1.43$,
$H = –3.234 \log_{10} P + 16.079$
- Where $P$ is period in days
- Measuring magnitude in the IR H-band mitigates some interstellar extinction
- Period–luminosity–color relation:
$H = –3.428 \log_{10} P + 1.54(J – K_s) + 15.637$
- Where J–K_s is an IR color index
- Adding color term improves data fit
- Used as “standard candles” for measuring intergalactic distances
- Luminosity variation primarily due to $\sim1000$ K variation in temperature,
with a phase lag of maximum luminosity occuring behind minimum radius
- Vast majority pulsate in fundamental mode
- W Virginis stars:
Population II Cepheids, around $4 \times$ less luminous than classical Cepheids of the same period
- Vast majority pulsate in fundamental mode
- RR Lyrae stars:
horizontal-branch Population II stars with 1.5–24-hour periods,
all having nearly the same luminosity
- May pulsate in either fundamental or first overtone mode
- $\delta$ Scuti variables:
evolved F stars near the main sequence, with both radial and nonradial oscillations
on 1–3-hour periods
- ZZ Ceti stars: pulsating white dwarfs with 100–1000-second periods
- Instability strip: narrow, nearly vertical region on H–R diagram,
right of the main sequence, where most pulsating stars are found,
including the above types
- $\beta$ Cephei stars: luminous (class III–V) blue variables with 3–7-hour periods;
found in H–R’s upper left, outside the instability strip
Radial pulsation mechanisms
- Oscillations result from standing sound waves in interior
- Sound waves in medium with adiabatic index $\gamma$ travel at $v = \sqrt{\gamma P\over\rho}$
- No displacement at nodes; maximum displacement at antinodes
- Period–mean density relation: $\Pi \approx \sqrt{3\pi\over2\gamma G\rho}$
- Denser stars (e.g. white dwarfs) pulsate faster (than e.g. supergiants)
- Modes given by conical harmonics
- Fundamental mode: node at star center, antinode at surface
- Each overtone adds a node between center and surface
- Surface amplitudes decreases with overtone:
${\delta r\over R} \approx 0.07$ for fundamental, $\lesssim 0.01$ for first, $\approx 0$ for second
- Eddington modeled stars as heat engines:
layers doing positive net work on surroundings drive oscillations;
those doing negative net work dampen them
- Positive work done if layer absorbs heat around max compression;
releases heat and reaches max pressure during expansion
- Nuclear $\epsilon$-mechanism:
compressing center raises temperature and density, increasing power generation
- Amplitude usually too small to drive pulsation
- May contribute to preventing formation of $\gtrsim 90 M_\odot$ stars
- Opacity $\kappa$ and $\gamma$ mechanisms:
compressing layer increases opacity and traps heat, driving expansion
- For most layers, opacity decreases with increased temperature from compression
- $\kappa$-mechanism: in partial ionization zones however,
some compression energy goes into further ionization instead of direct heating,
letting opacity increase with the higher density
- $\gamma$-mechanism: heat prefers to flow into partial ionization zone in compression
due to its lower relative temperature, reinforcing the $\kappa$-mechanism
- Most stars have two main ionization zones
- Hydrogen partial ionization zone: broader and closer to surface;
ionizes $\text{H I} \to \text{H II}$ and $\text{He I} \to \text{He II}$ at characteristic temperature of $1–1.5 \times 10^4 \text{ K}$;
changing depths during pulsation accounts for phase lag in classical Cepheids and RR Lyrae
- He II partial ionization zone: narrower and deeper;
ionizes $\text{He II} \to \text{He III}$ at characterstic temperature of $4 \times 10^4 \text{ K}$;
primarily responsible for driving oscillations within instability strip
- Temperature-dependent depths of ionization zones determine pulsation properties:
- Blue edge of instability strip (~7500 K):
high temperatures puts ionization zone too close to low-density surface,
where there is insufficient mass to effectively drive oscillations
- First overtone may be excited ~6500 K
- Fundamental mode takes hold ~5500 K
- Red edge of instability strip (~5000 K):
heat transfer by convection bypasses high-opacity ionization zones
and quenches pulsation
- $\beta$ Cephei stars pulsate due to iron ionization zone
- Effective temperature (20,000~30,000 K) too high for H and He ionization zones
- $\kappa$ and $\gamma$ mechanisms rely on $\text{Fe}$ opacity bump near $10^5 \text{ K}$
Pulsation model
- Newton’s second law must be used instead of hydrostatic equilibrium model
to account for oscillation of mass shells:
$\rho {d^2r \over dt^2} = - {GM\rho \over r^2} - {dP \over dr}$
- Nonlinear evaluation can model complex, nonsinusoidal behavior of large-amplitude pulsations,
but is very computationally expensive
- Linearizable by approximating with small amplitudes,
but results in sinusoidal oscillations with no amplitude information
- Adiabatic approximation also used to minimize complexity,
but nonlinear, nonadiabatic models are necessary for some variable stars
- One-zone linear, adiabatic model: $\Pi = {2\pi \over \sqrt{{4\pi \over 3} G\rho(3\gamma–4) }}$
- Dynamic stability: star collapses if $\gamma < {4\over3}$
Nonradial pulsation mechanisms
- Some regions of surface expand while others contract
- Oscillations result from standing sound waves with latitudinal nodal circles
and traveling sound waves with longitudinal nodal circles
- No displacement at nodal circles
- Angular modes given by real parts of spherical harmonic functions: $Y^m_l(\theta, \phi)$
- There are $l$ nodal circles: $\lvert m\rvert$ longitudes and $l - \lvert m \rvert$ latitudes
- Where $l \in Z^+$ and $m \in [-l, l]$
- Traveling waves take $\vert m\rvert\cdot\Pi$ long to travel around star,
with direction dependent on sign of $m$
- Pressure waves: p-modes
- Confined to low depths, revealing conditions in stellar surface layers
- Both radial and angular nodes
- Acoustic frequency $S = \sqrt{\gamma P \over \rho} {\sqrt{l(l+1)} \over r}$
- Frequencies split by prograde and retrograde wave motion
proportional to star rotation rate: $\Delta S \propto m\Omega$
- Internal gravity waves: g-modes
- Reveals movement of stellar material in deep interior
- Only have angular nodes
- Brunt–Väisälä bouyancy frequency: $N = \sqrt{–Ag}$
- Confined to radiative zones, where $A < 0$: $A \equiv {1\over\gamma P} {dP \over dr} – {1\over\rho} {d\rho \over dr}$
- Surface gravity waves: f-modes
- Frequency inbetween p- and g-modes
Helioseismology and asteroseismology
- All observed solar oscillations are in the p-mode, with 3–8-minute periods and
very short (high $l$) horizontal wavelengths
- Likely driven by turbulent energy of convection zone
- Latitide-dependent rotation rate revealed by m-dependent frequency splitting
- Depth-dependent rotation rate revealed by $l$-dependent attenuation below convection zone
- Thick convection zone prevents surface observation of of g-modes
- $\delta$ Scuti stars tend to pulsate in low-overtone radial modes, low-order p-modes,
and possibly g-modes
- Rapidly oscillating peculiar A stars (roAp) primarily pulsate in higher-order
p-modes, with the pulsation axis aligned with their strong magnetic fields
instead of the rotation axis
15. The Fate of Massive Stars
Post-main-sequence evolution
$M\;(M_\odot)$ |
path to supernova |
$\gtrsim85$ |
O → Of → LBV → WN → WC → SN |
$40\sim85$ |
O → Of → WN → WC → SN |
$25\sim40$ |
O → RSG → WN → WC → SN |
$20\sim25$ |
o → RSG → WN → SN |
$10\sim20$ |
O → RSG → BSG → SN |
- Luminous blue variables (LBVs; prototype: S Doradus):
massive stars whose brightness suddenly erupt from time to time
- Effective temperatures between $15\,000\sim30\,000$ K, masses $\gtrsim 85 M_\odot$,
and luminosities $\gtrsim10^6 L_\odot$ approaching the Eddington limit
- Possible mechanisms behind behavior include
envelope mass loss from temporarily exceeding Eddington limit,
atmospheric pulsation instabilities, and binary companions
- Wolf–Rayet stars (WR):
very hot, rapidly rotating stars with unusually strong broad emission lines and high mass loss
- Effective temperatures between $25\,000\sim100\,000$ K, masses $\gtrsim 20 M_\odot$,
mass loss rates $\gtrsim 10^{-5} M_\odot/\text{year}$, and equatorial rotation speed ~300 km/s
- Atypical spectral composition due to mass loss progressive stripping away outermost layers:
WNs emission lines dominate in He and N; WCs in He and C; WOs in O
- Blue supergiants (BSG)
- Red supergiants (RSG)
- Humphreys–Davidson luminosity limit: the most massive stars never evolve to RSG portion
due to max luminosity cutoff
- Of stars: O supergiants with pronounced emission lines
Supernova observation and classification
- Recorded Milky Way supernovae:
SN 1006, SN 1054 with Crab supernova remnant,
Tycho’s supernova SN 1572, and Kepler’s supernova SN 1604
- SN 1987A in Large Magellanic Clouds (50 kpc from Earth) first nearby supernova in age of modern astronomy
- Classified by spectra at maximum light and light curve shape:
- Type I supernova: no H lines
- H envelope already stripped before SN
- Dimming $\sim 0.065$/day at 20 days, slowing to a constant rate after $\sim50$ days
- Type Ia: Si II lines
- Found in all galaxy types, including low-star-forming ellpticals
- $M_B \approx -18.4$
- Dimming $\sim0.015$/day after $\sim50$ days
- Type Ib/Ic: no Si II lines
- Only found in star-forming H II regions of spirals
- $M_B \approx -16$
- Dimming $\sim0.010$/day after $\sim50$ days
- Type Ib: He lines
- Type Ic: no He lines
- Type II supernova: H lines;
- Type II-P: plateau
- Temporary plateau in light curve between $30\sim80$ days
- Occurs $\sim10\times$ as often as Type II-L
- Type II-L: linear
Core-collapse supernovae
- Type Ib, Ic, and II involve collapse of massive, evolved stellar core
- He burning eventually adds enough mass and density to CO core to start burning C, creating O–Ne core
- O–Ne then starts burning O, creating $^{28}_{14}$Si-dominated core
- Si burning at $\sim3\times10^9$ K creates iron core with host of heavy nuclei centered near $^{56}_{26}$Fe
- Onion-like interior: Fe core ) Si-burning ) Si-rich ) O-burning ) O-rich ) C-burning ) C-rich ) He-burning ) He-rich ) H-burning ) H–He envelope
- Less energy released per mass, thus shorter timescale, with each successive fuel
core-burning fuel |
duration for $20 M_\odot$ star |
H |
$\sim10^7$ years |
He |
$\sim10^6$ years |
C |
$\sim300$ years |
O |
$\sim200$ days |
Si |
$\sim2$ days |
- Extreme core temperature ($T_c\approx8\times10^9$ K) leads to photodisintegration: high-energy photons destroy heavy nuclei
- $^{56}_{26}\text{Fe}+\gamma\to13{\;}^4_2\text{He}+4\text{n}$, $^4_2\text{He}+\gamma\to2\text{p}^++2\text{n}$
- Highly endothermic, removing thermal pressure
- Extreme core temperature and density ($\rho_c\approx10^{13}$ kg/m$^{3}$) leads to heavy nuclei and photodisintegrated protons capturing free electrons, removing electron degeneracy pressure as well
- Loss of hydrostatic pressure causes core to collapse rapidly
- Inner core collapses homologously, decoupling from outer core where velocity becomes locally supersonic
- Collapse continues until density exceeds $8\times10^{17}$ kg/m$^{3}$ and strong force suddenly becomes repulsive due to neutron degeneracy pressure, sending shock waves to infalling outer core
- Supersonic outer core collapses in near free-fall $\sim70\,000$ km/s until heating and photodisintegrating upon encountering shock front
- Shock loses energy and stalls, becoming accretionary
- Extreme density traps neutrinos below in neutrinosphere
- If neutrino energy reheats base of shock sufficiently quickly, shock resumes traveling outward
- Otherwise, material in shock falls back onto core and no explosion occurs
- Shock propels nuclear products and envelope material to kinetic energies $\sim10^{44}$ J
- Material becomes optically thin at $\sim10^3$ m $\approx100$ AU, releasing $\sim10^{42}$ J $\approx 10^9 L_\odot \approx L_\text{galaxy}$ of light
- $\sim3\times10^{46}$ J of neutrinos released as well
- SN 1987A’s neutrinos traveled relativistically and arrived 3 hours before its photons, placing rest mass limit $m_{\nu_e} \leq 16$ eV
- Neutron star forms if remnant of inner core is small enough (neglecting rotation, $m\lesssim2.2M_\odot$ from $M_\text{ZAMS} \lesssim 25M_\odot$) to stablize from neutron degeneracy pressure; collapses into singularity and produces black hole otherwise
- Nebulae emit highly polarized synchotron radiation, with electrons supplied by center pulsar
- Spectral differencies of types II, Ib, and Ic due to composition and mass of envelope prior to, and radioactive material synthesized during core collapse
- Type II usually from RSGs in H–R’s extreme upper left
- SN 1987A was subluminous by $\sim3.5$ magnitudes relative to typical Type II supernovae due to being a denser BSG in the blue loop
- Type Ib and Ic likely from WN and WC Wolf–Rayets, respectively
- Light curve plateau of Type II-P largely caused by prolonged recombination of H-rich envelope after shock ionization; further supported by radioactive decay of $^{56}_{28}$Ni in shock front
- Light curve slope may be matched to decay of specific radioisotopes
Supernova nucleosynthesis
- Solar lithium problem: solar convection zone predicted by stellar models too shallow to adequately burn Li, yet meteorites show primordial Li was $100\times$ the current solar Li abundance
- Synthesis of heavy-nuclei by charged particles extremely difficult due to Coulomb barrier, but neutron capture can occur at relatively low temperatures
- Insignificant in energy production, but accounts for abundance ratios of nuclei $A>60$
- Slow s-process yielding stable nuclei if $t_{\beta\text{-decay}} \ll t_\text{n-capture}$; tends to occur in normal phases of stellar evolution
- Rapid r-process yielding neutron-rich nuclei if $t_{\beta\text{-decay}} \gg t_\text{n-capture}$; tends to occur in supernovae
Gamma-ray bursts (GRB)
- Brief shower of gamma-ray photons between $1\sim10^6$ keV
- Rise time of $\sim10^{-4}$ s followed by exponential decay totaling $10^{-2}\sim10^3$ s
- Characteristic length $l = c\cdot t_\text{rise}$ roughly size of neutron star
- Emission between $350\sim500$ keV likely gravitationally redshifted pairs of 511-keV photons produced by e$^-$–e$^{+}$ annihilation on neutron star surface
- Emission between $20\sim60$ keV likely cyclotron lines from pulsar magnetic field $\sim10^8$ T
- Burst distribution isotropic throughout sky, but has radial edge corresponding to extragalactic distances
- Total energy released comparable to that of core-collapse supernovae
- Fluence $S$: total energy released per detector surface area
- Short–hard GRBs: $\lesssim2$ s, associated with neutron star–neutron star or neutron star–black hole mergers
- Long–soft GRBs: $\gtrsim2$ s, associated with supernovae
Long–soft GRBs
- Traced to the same locations as some supernovae
- Relativistic jets: beams of highly relativistic matter (Lorentz factor $\gamma$ possibly $\gtrsim100$)
- For $\gamma\gg1$, beam cone has half-width angle $\theta\propto1/\gamma$
- Doppler/relativistic beaming: if observer within beam, observed energy and collimation will be greater than what is actually emitted
- Models must avoid slow-down from relativistic speeds after encountering too much (cumulative rest mass $m_0\gtrsim\gamma m_\text{jet}c^2$) baryon-rich material from envelope
- Hypernova/collapsar model: black hole formed directly from supernova
- Debris disk and associated magnetic fields collimate relativistic jets emanating from center of supernova
- Gamma rays emitted as jets encounter infalling stellar envelope
- Supranova model: rotating neutron star with $M \gtrsim2.2M_\odot$ spins down over weeks to months and collapses into black hole
- Stellar envelope has already been cleared away by supernova
- Debris disk and associated magnetic fields produce both relativistic jets and a GRB
Cosmic rays
- Penetrating radiation of charged particles comprising wide range of classes (), masses, and energies ($10^7\sim10^{20}$ eV)
- Subatomic particles including e$^\pm$, p$^+$, $\mu^\pm$, and atomic nuclei including C, Ne, Mg, Si, Fe, Ni
- Solar cosmic rays relatively low energy, with $\sim750$ km/s protons in fast solar wind having $E\approx 3$ keV, and $\sim0.1c$ protons from CMEs having $E\approx10$ MeV
- Supernova-origin cosmic rays travel relativistically $\sim c$ with $E\lesssim10^{16}$ eV
- Charged particles orbit magnetic fields at Larmor radius / gyroradius $r = {\gamma m v\over q B}$
- While trapped in field, particle is accelerated to relativistic speeds by successive collisions with advancing shock wave
- With sufficient energy $\sim10^{15}$ eV, $r$ exceeds size scale of supernova remnant $\sim1$ pc and particle is likely ejected
- Possible origins for highest-energy cosmic rays;
- Acceleration near neutron stars or black holes
- Collisions involving intergalactic shocks
- Emission from active galactic nuclei around supermassive black hole
16. The Degenerate Remnants of Stars
White dwarfs (WD)
- Manufactured in cores of low- and intermediate-mass stars ($M_\text{ZAMS}\lesssim8M_\odot$)
- Low luminosity despite high central temperature indicate lack of fuel for thermonuclear reaction
- Primarily comprises completedly ionized C and O nuclei, but extreme gravity stratifies interior into CO core ) He layer ) H layer over $\sim100$ years
- $0.4\sim0.7M_\odot$, $\sim R_\oplus$, $\rho\approx10^9$ kg/m$^3$, $g\approx 10^6$ m/s$^2$, $T\approx5000\sim80\,000$ K
- Interior nearly isothermal due to energy transfer via highly efficient, degenerate electron conduction; steep temperature drop in nondegenerate envelope drive convection mixing in surface layers
- Thermal energy primarily resides in kinetic energy of nuclei, as nearly all electrons are in degenerate energy levels
- Core cools at $T_\text{core}(t) = T_0\left(1+{5\over2}{t\over\tau_0}\right)^{-2/5}$
- Luminosity $L\propto T_\text{core}^{7/2} \propto T_\text{eff}^4$: interior cools faster than surface
- At $\sim10^{-4}L_\odot$, nuclei begin crystallizing, slowing cooling
- Spectral lines significantly broadened due extreme pressure near surface
- Spectral type D (dwarf)
- DA: only H absorption lines; $\sim70\%$ of population
- DB: only He absorption lines; $\sim8\%$ of population
- DC: featureless continuum; $\sim14\%$ of population
- DQ: additional C lines
- DZ: additional metal lines
- DO: in between O type and WD
- PNN: planetary nebula nuclei; WD formation phase
- Convective mixing may transform WD between spectral subtypes
- Pulsating white dwarfs: on instability strip with periods of $100\sim1000$ s
- Multiple periods with $3\sim125$ different simultaneous frequencies
- Nonradial g-modes resonating in H and He layers cause surface temperature variations without much effect on radius
- DAV stars (prototype: ZZ Ceti): $T_\text{eff}\approx12\;000$ K; resonance driven by H partial ionization zone
- DBV stars: $T_\text{eff}\approx27\;000$ K; resonance driven by He partial ionization zone
- DOV and PNNV stars: $T_\text{eff}\approx10^5$ K
Degenerate matter
- Degeneracy of electron fermion gas responsible for maintaining hydrostatic equilibrium in white dwarfs
- Fermion gas: obeying the Pauli exclusion principle, only one particle is allowed per state
- At $T = 0$ K, all energy states below the Fermi energy $\varepsilon_F = {\hbar^2\over2m} (3\pi^2n)^{2/3}$ are occupied and the fermion gas is fully degenerate
- For $T > 0$ K, fermion gases are still approximately degenerate if average thermal energy ${3\over2}kT < \varepsilon_F$; for an electron gas, ${T\over\rho^{2/3}}<1261$ K m$^2$ kg$^{-2/3}$
- Nonrelativistic degeneracy pressure $P = {(3\pi^2)^{2/3}\over5} {\hbar^2\over m} n^{5/3}$
- Dynamically stable: $P\propto \rho^\gamma$ where adiabatic index $\gamma={5\over3}$
- Yields nonrelativistic mass–volume relation: $V\propto {1\over M}$ and $\rho\propto M^2$
- Largely temperature independent, leading to He flash in degenerate cores
- Electrons become relativistic at $\rho\approx10^9$ kg/m$^3$
- As $v_e\to c$ at high $M$, adiabatic index $\gamma\to{4\over3}$ and WD becomes dynamically unstable
- Chandrasekhar limit: maximum mass supported by electron degeneracy, $M_\text{Ch}\approx0.44M_\odot$
Neutron stars (NS)
- $\sim10^{57}$ extremely densely packed neutrons with $\sim M_\text{Ch}$ , $R\approx10\sim15$ km , $\rho\approx10^{17}$ kg/m$^3$, $g\approx10^{12}$ m/s$^2$
- Rapid rotation on order of milliseconds to seconds guaranteed due to role in countering collapse
- Extremely hot formation temperatures $\sim10^{11}$ K cooled in days to $T_\text{core}\approx 10^9$ K by internal neutron–antineutrino radiation via Urca process: $\text{n}\to\text{p}^++\text{e}^-+\overline{\nu}_\text{e}$, $\text{p}^++\text{e}^-\to\text{n}+\nu_\text{e}$
- Other neutrino emission processes cool $T_\text{core}$ to $\sim10^9$ K over $\sim10^3$ years, then surface photon radiation (primarily in X-ray) cools $T_\text{core}$ to $\sim10^8$ K and $T_\text{eff}$ to $\sim10^6$ K over $\sim10^4$ years
- Outer crust: for low $\rho$ near surface, iron nuclei minimize nucleon energy and electron degeneracy pressure dominates
- Neutronization: above $\rho\gtrsim10^{12}$ kg/m$^3$, capture of relativistic electrons $\text{p}^++\text{e}^-\to\text{n}+\nu_\text{e}$ minimizes nucleon energy and produces increasingly neutron-rich nuclei
- Additional neutrons reduce electric repulsion between protons
- Inner crust: above $\rho\gtrsim4\times10^{14}$ kg/m$^3$, neutron drip minimizes nucleon energy, creating superfluid of free neutrons outside of the nuclei lattice
- Superfluid: free, degenerate fermions pair up into bosons, which flow without viscosity
- Above $\rho\gtrsim4\times10^{15}$ kg/m$^3$, neutron degeneracy pressure dominates
- Core: as $\rho\to\rho_\text{nucleus}\approx2\times10^{17}$ kg/m$^3$, nuclei effectively dissolve into superfluid of free neutrons, protons, and electrons; as $\rho$ increases further, $\text{n}:\text{p}^+:\text{e}^-\to8:1:1$
- Superfluid of charged particles are superconducting, flowing without electrical resistance
- Conducting fluids “freeze-in” magnetic field lines, creating magnetic fields $B\approx10^8\sim10^{10}$ T
- Physics poorly understood above $\rho>\rho_\text{nucleus}$ at the deep interior
- Above $\rho>2\rho_\text{nucleus}$, neutrons spontaneously decay $\text{n}\to\text{p}^++\pi^-$, producing other elementary particles
- First discovered by Bell in 1967: two independent interstellar sources of regularly spaced radio pulses
- Designated PSR (pulsating source of radio) right ascention + declination
- Most periods range $0.25\sim2$ s, spinning down very gradually with ${\dot P}\approx10^{-15}$
- X-ray pulsars have the longest periods and fastest spindown
- High-energy pulsars emitting radio to IR or higher frequencies have typical periods but faster-than-average spindown
- Young millisecond pulsars ($P\lesssim10$ ms) emit radio to gamma rays and display glitches: periods abruptly spinup every several years, possibly from crust shrinking, or separation of core from crust
- Some pulsars, primarily those in binary systems, are speedin up ($\dot P<0$)
- Only explainable by rapidly rotating neutron stars
- Oscillation modes of white dwarfs are too long and oscillation modes of neutron stars are too short
- Rapid period rules out all binary systems larger than neutron stars; increasing period rules out inspiraling radiation of NS binaries
- Much faster movements through space than normal stars, and rarity of pulsar binary systems, indicate ejection from asymetric core-collapse supernovae
- Rotational kinetic energy transformed into accelerating expansion of surrounding nebulae, maintaining strength of magnetic field, and injecting relativistic electrons into the field
- Acceleration of relativistic electrons along magnetic field lines (curvature radiation) or circling around them (synchotron radiation) produce light strongly linearly polarized in the plane of acceleration
- Individual pulses of a pulsar vary substantially, but integrated pulse profile averaged across 100s of pulses is very stable
- Each pulse comprises several brief subpulses, either distributed randomly in the main pulse window or drifting across the profile
- Sharpness disperses with distance in the interstellar medium, as longer wavelengths slow more below $c_\text{vacuum}$
- Some pulsars abruptly switch between multiple integrated pulse profiles; some pulsars temporarily cease emitting pulses for some periods
- Magnetic poles are off-axis and have field strength $B={1\over2\pi R^3\sin\theta}\sqrt{3\mu_0 c^3 I P \dot P\over 2\pi}$
- Where $\theta$ is pole inclination relative to axis of rotation and $I$ is moment of inertia
- Rotation rapidly changes B field, inducing changes in E field and generating EM waves radiating away from star as magnetic dipole radiation $\dot E=-{32\pi^5B^2R^6\sin^2\theta\over3\mu_0c^3P^4}$
- Fast-spinning neutron stars lose energy much more quickly
- Powerful induced surface E field $\sim6.3\times10^{10}$ V/m rips charged particles from polar regions
- Emit energetic curvature radiation, some of which undergo pair production $\gamma\to\text{e}^-+\text{e}^+$ and generate more charged particles, creating a cascade of subpulses beamed in narrow cone around pole
- Capture by magnetic fields form co-rotating magnetosphere which detaches at light cylinder $R_c=c/\omega$ as a pulsar wind, replenishing charged particles and magnetic field in surrounding nebula
- Pulse mechanism may turn off when rotation slows down too much to sustain strong magnetic field, or pulses may simply become too faint
- Extremely magnetic neutron stars with $B\approx10^{11}$ T
- Stresses in magnetic field cause surface to crack, producing super-Eddington ($10^3\sim10^4L_\text{Eddington}$) releases of energy
- Explains soft gamma repeaters (SGRs): objects associated with fairly young ($\sim10^4$ years-old) supernovae emitting bursts of hard X-ray and soft gamma-ray
- Relatively slow rotation periods ranging $5\sim8$ s: magnetic field primarily governs behavior rather than rotation
17. General Relativity and Black Holes
General relativity
- Geometric description of how intervals in spacetime are measured in the presence of mass and energy
- “Mass tell spacetime how to curve, spacetime tells mass how to move”
- Spacetime curvature increases distance between points and slow down time
- Weak equivalence principle: gravitational charge $m_g$, which determines the force of gravity, is directly proportional to inertial mass $m_i$, which exists even without gravity; thus, every object falls with the same acceleration
- Principle of equivalence: All locally inertial (freely falling and nonrotating) frames of reference are physically equivalent, related by the Lorentz transformations between their instantaneous relative velocity
- Only local, as gravity pulls in different magnitudes and directions in different places
- Gravitational bending of light: in free-fall reference frame, photons travel in straight lines; observed from the ground, photons curve down with the inertial frame
- Gravitational time dilation and gravitational redshift: in free-fall reference frame, upward photons do not lose energy; observed from the ground, the photon took less time and traveled less distance in the inertial frame
- Time dilates and space streches inside gravitational wells
- ${\Delta\nu\over\nu_0}\approx-{gh\over c^2}$ for small $g$
- ${\Delta t_0\over\Delta t_\infty}={\nu_\infty\over\nu_0}=\sqrt{1-{2GM\over r_0c^2}}\approx 1-{GM\over r_0c^2}$
Intervals and geodesics
- Einstein field equations of form $\mathcal G = -{8\pi G\over c^4} \mathcal T$ calculates the Einstein tensor $\mathcal G$, describing the curvature of spacetime, from the stress–energy tensor $\mathcal T$, describing the distribution of mass and energy
- Event $s$: a point in spacetime with coordinates $(x, y, z, t)$
- Worldline $\mathcal W$: path of object moving through spacetime
- Spacetime interval $(\Delta s)^2 = c(\Delta t)^2 - (\Delta x)^2 - (\Delta y)^2 - (\Delta z)^2$
- The “distance” between two events, invariant under Lorentz transformations
- Timelike if $(\Delta s)^2 > 0$
- Enough time for light to travel between the events
- Inertial frames exist in which they happen in the same location, separated by proper time $\Delta\tau\equiv\Delta s/c$
- Null/lightlike if $(\Delta s)^2 = 0$
- Only light can travel between the events
- Spacelike if $(\Delta s)^2 < 0$
- Too much space for light to travel between the events
- Inertial frames exist in which they happen simultaneously, separated by proper distance $\Delta\mathcal L = \sqrt{-(\Delta s)^2}$
- Light cones: regions of spacetime with causal (timelike/lightlike) connection to an event
- Past light cone: region of past spacetime whose light can reach the event; everything that could influence the event
- Future light cone: region of future spacetime reachable by light from the event; everything the event could influence
- Boundaries are event horizons, dividing the knowable from the unknowable
- Metric: formula for measuring differential distance along worldlines, defining $(ds)^2$ such that $\Delta s(\mathcal W) =\int_{\mathcal W}\sqrt{ds)^2}$
- Minkowski metric for flat spacetime: $(ds)^2 = (c\;dt)^2 - (d\ell)^2$, where $(d\ell)^2=(dx)^2+(dy)^2+(dz)^2 = (dr)^2 + (r\; d\theta)^2 + (r \sin\theta \; d\phi)^2$
- Swarzchild metric for single, nonrotating mass at origin: $(ds)^2=\left(c\; dt\sqrt{1-{2GM\over rc^2}}\right)^2-\left(dr\over \sqrt{1-{2GM\over rc^2}}\right)^2 - (r\; d\theta)^2 - (r \sin\theta \; d\phi)^2$
- Time dilation in $dt$ term and streching of space in $dr$ term
- Coordinate speed ${d\ell\over dt}$: rate of change of spatial coordinates
- All freely-falling particles follow geodesics: the straightest, shortest possible worldlines
- Massive particles follow timelike geodesics with a locally extremum interval, with either the maximum or minimum $\Delta s$ out of nearby worldlines
- Ex: orbiting satellites follow maximum interval geodesics in Schwarzchild metric
- Massless particles follow the null geodesic with $\Delta s=0$
Black holes (BH)
- Swarzchild radius $R_S = {2GM\over c^2}$: distance from nonrotating mass where escape speed is $c$
- At $R_S$, proper time $d\tau$ and coordinate speed of light moving radially ${dr\over dt}$ are $0$: nothing ever happens and light appears to freeze
- Black hole: star that collapsed within its $R_S$ , with a physical singularity ($V=0, \rho\to\infty$) at the center enclosed by an event horizon at $R_S$
- From distant observer, objects falling into BH emit increasingly time-dilated and redshifted signals
- From free-falling reference frames, gravitational differential result in tidal stretching
- Below $r<R_S$, nothing can remain at rest and all worldlines converge at singularity
- No hair theorem: any black hole can be completely described by its mass, angular momentum, and electric charge
- Frame dragging: rotating masses induce rotation in surrounding spacetime; creates ergosphere around rotating black holes within which all particles are forced to move in the direction of rotation
- Possible upper limit on angular momentum $L\le{GM^2\over c}$, above which a naked singularity would be exposed
- Stellar-mass black holes ($3\sim5\,M_\odot$)
- Formed from direct core-collapse (collapsar), spin-down of neutron star (supranova), or accretion on neutron star from binary companion
- Intermediate-mass black holes (IMBH; $10^2\sim10^4\,M_\odot$)
- Formation process unclear; possibly from collapse of supermassive merged star, or merger of stellar-mass BHs
- Observed as ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs), correlated with cores of globular clusters and low-mass galaxies
- Supermassive black holes (SMBH; $10^5\sim10^9\, M_\odot$)
- Formation process unclear; possibly from galaxy mergers, or growth of IMBHs
- Located at centers of most galaxies
- Primordial black holes ($10^{-8}$ kg $\sim10^5\,M_\odot$)
- May have existed in the earliest instants of the universe
- Schwarzchild throat / Einstein–Rosen bridge: vacuum solution of field equations with a tunnel at event horizon of nonrotating BH
- Collapses before anything can cross
- Wormhole: nonvacuum solution to field equations connecting arbitrary points in spacetime with no event horizon and survival tidal forces
- Requires exotic material (with negative energy density $\rho c^2<0$) to prevent collapse
- Hawking radiation $\dot E\propto1/M^2$: pair production near event horizon allows gravitational energy to escape, culminating in high-energy burst of gamma rays and elementary particles at death of black hole
18. Closed Binary Star Systems
- Large majority of stars are in multi-star systems, but most of them are detached binaries: sufficiently far apart ($a\gg\max(R_1, R_2)$) to evolve independently
- In close systems ($a\lesssim\max(R_1,R_2)$), tidal forces induce pulsation, dissipating orbital and rotational energy until tidal lock is achieved
- In corotating center-of-mass reference frame, effective gravitational potential $\Phi=-G\left({M_1\over s_1}+{M_2\over s_2}\right)-{\omega^2r^2\over 2}$
- Where $s_1$ and $s_2$ are distances to the two masses, and angular frequence $\omega={G(M_1+M_2)\over a^3}$
- Hydrostatic equilibrium ensures constant pressure and density along equipotential surfaces; expanding stars fill successively larger ones
- Gravitational and centrifugal forces balance at Lagragian points, where $\vec F=-m\nabla\Phi=0$
- Local minima are stable; local maxima and saddle-points are unstable
- Inner Lagrangian point $L_1$ located between the masses with distances to each $\lbrace \ell_1, \ell_2 \rbrace \approx a\left({1\over2}\pm0.227\log_{10}{M_1\over M_2}\right)$
- Equipotential surfaces meet at $L_1$ as teardrop-shaped Roche lobes
- Semidetached binary: secondary star (with $M_2$ not necessarily more massive) fills its Roche lobe and loses mass to the companion primary star
- Contact binary: both stars fill (or even expand beyond) their Roche lobes and share a common atmospheric envelope
- Mass transfer rate $\dot M\approx\pi R\rho d\sqrt{3kT\over m_\text{H}}$
- Where $R$ is maximum Roche lobe radius and $d$ is overfill distance
- Changes orbital period and orbital separation ${da\over dt}=2a\dot M_1{M_1-M_2\over M_1M_2}$
- Infalling material release $\dot E={GM\dot M\over R}$, or $\sim20\%$ of rest mass in energy when falling into neutron stars, compared to $\lesssim1\%$ falling into white dwarfs
Accretion disks
- If primary star of semidetached binary has radius $r\lesssim0.05a$, mass stream from secondary will miss its surface and enter orbit at $r_0=a\left(\ell_1\over a\right)^4\left(1+{M_2\over M_1}\right)$
- Accretion disk develops; further mass stream impacts at disk hot spot
- Viscosity converts orbital kinetic energy into random thermal motion, causing disk mass to inspiral and eventually fall to surface
- Source of strong viscosity poorly understood; possibly convection turbulence or magnetohydrodynamic instabilities
- Radius $R_\text{disk}\approx2r_0$ due to conservation of angular momentum: most disk material spiral inward while some spiral outward
- If optically thick, temperature $T_\text{disk}(r)=T_\text{0}\sqrt[4]{\left(R\over r\right)^3 \left(1-\sqrt{R-r}\right) }$
- Where characteric temperature $T_0\equiv\sqrt[4]{3GM\dot M\over 8\pi\sigma R^3}\approx 2\max (T_\text{disk})$
- Luminosity $L_\text{disk}={GM\dot M\over 2R}={1\over2}\dot E$, with the other half delivered to the primary star
- White dwarf $L_\text{disk}\approx0.22\,L_\odot$, emitting primarily in UV
- Neutron star $L_\text{disk}\approx2400\,L_\odot$, emitting primarily in X-ray
- Observational evidence: light curves of eclipsing binaries show steadily rising temperatures toward center, and hot spot on one side of disk
- Algols: two main-sequence or subgiant stars in semidetached binary
- W Serpens stars: active Algols, studied for rapid stages of stellar and binary evolution
- Mass loss may enrich interstellar medium
- RS Canum Venaticorum stars & BY Draconis stars: chromospherically active binaries with enhanced magnetic activity; studied for dynamo mechanism in cool (type F and later) stars
- W Ursae Majoris contact systems: short-period ($0.2\sim0.8$ days) contact binaries with very high magnetic activity; studied for dynamo mechanism at extreme levels
- Magnetic braking may coalesce them into single stars
- Cataclysmic variables (CV) and nova-like binaries: white dwarfs and M-type stars in short-period semidetached binaries; studied for final stages of stellar evolution and accretion phenomena
- X-ray binaries: neutron stars or black holes accreting gas from nondegenerate companions and emitting energetic X-rays $L\gt10^{28}$ W; evidence for existence of black holes
- $\zeta$ Aurigae systems & VV Cephei systems: G–M-type supergiants and $\sim$B-type companions in long-period interacting binaries; eclipses studied for supergiant atmospheric properties
- Became interacting binaries when more massive star evolved into supergiant
- Symbiotic binaries: M-type giants and hot white dwarf/subdwarf/low-mass main-sequence companions in long-period ($200\sim1500$ days) interacting binaries; studied for accretion of cool wind onto hot companion
- Barium binaries & S-star binaries: K/M-type giants with cool white dwarf companions that once transferred them nuclear-processed gas; studied for nucleosynthesis and mass loss in evolved stars
- Post-common-envelope binaries: cool secondaries and hot white dwarf/subdwarf companions; studied for rapid stages of stellar evolution
- AM Herculis stars / polars: semidetached binaries containing white dwarfs with $B\sim2000$ T
- Magnetic torque tidally locks both stars and forms a narrow accretion column with a $\sim10^8$ K shock front emitting hard X-ray at the base
- Photosphere re-emit some hard X-ray as soft X-ray and UV light
- Nonrelativistic electrons in white dwarf magnetosphere also emit visible-light cyclotron radiation
- DQ Herculis stars / intermediate polars: far-apart or weakly magnetic polars missing synchronous rotation but having some accretion flow disruption
Cataclysmic variable evolution
- Let Star 1 and Star 2 be main-sequence stars in a long-period (months to years) detached binary with $M_1>M_2$
- Binary semidetached as Star 1, evolving more rapidly, overflows its Roche lobe after reaching giant/supergiant phase
- Mass transfer where $M_1>M_2$ and $\dot M<0$ enters positive feedback loop with shrinking separation and Roche lobe
- First common envelope stage: binary contacts, transferring angular momentum onto common envelope and spiralling inward
- May turn into blue straggler if stellar cores merge
- Otherwise, binary detaches as envelope is eventually ejected and Star 1 cools to a white dwarf
- Binary again semidetached as Star 2 reaches giant phase
- Mass transfer where $M_1 > M_2$ and $\dot M>0$ faces negative feedback with expanding separation and Roche lobe
- Transfer only maintained if secondary expands faster than Roche lobe or if stellar winds remove sufficient angular momentum
- Second common envelope stage: suppose mass transfer continues, binary contacts again and spiral further inward, becoming a cataclysmic variable
Cataclysmic variables
- $\sim0.86\, M_\odot$ white dwarf primary and less massive main-sequence (type G or later) secondary in periods mostly ranging 78 minutes $\sim$ 12 hours
- Gap in periods between $1.5\sim3.25$ hours possibly due to abrupt change in angular momentum transfer
- Long quiescent intervals punctuated by luminous outbursts, likely due to sudden increases in mass flow rate
- Otherwise cool, low-mass, emission-lines-producing accretion disk becomes optically thick with absorption lines during brightening
- Dwarf novae: outbursts increase luminosity by $2\sim6$ magnitudes for $5\sim20$ days; separated by quiescent intervals of $30\sim300$ days
- Visible wavelengths precede UV in brightening by $\sim1$ day, indicating outbursts start in cooler, outer disk and spread inward
- Mass transfer rate increases $\sim100\times$ during outburst, possibly due to instability in secondary star or accretion disk
- H partial ionization zone could dam up in secondary and propel material past $L_1$, or dam up in disk and increase viscosity, causing material to fall
- Classical novae: outbursts increase luminosity by $7\sim20$ magnitudes
- Luminosity initially rises rapidly, with a brief standstill $\sim2$ magnitudes from maximum
- Fast novae take weeks to dim by 2 visual magnitudes from maximum; slow novae take $\sim100$ days, but are also $\sim3$ visual magnitudes dimmer at maximum
- Bolumetric magnitude remain roughly constant for months: dimming in visual band offset by brightening, first in UV, then in IR
- Accompanied by ejection of $10^{-5}\sim10^{-4}\,M_\odot$ of hot gasses at $\sim10^3$ km/s, with slow novae ejecting them $\sim3\times$ slower
- System returns to pre-eruption luminosity of $M_V\sim4.5$ after decades
Classical nova cycle
- White dwarf in semidetached binary accretes H-rich gas onto surface at $10^{-8}\sim10^{-9}\, M_\odot$/year
- Convection enriches H shell with surface C, N, and O; pressure heats shell and turns base degenerate
- Accumulation of $10^{-4}\sim10^{-5}\, M_\odot$ of H at $\sim10^6$ K triggers runaway CNO cycle at base of shell, reaching $\sim10^8$ K before electrons there are lifted from degeneracy
- Hydrodynamic ejection phase, dominant for fast novae: once luminosity exceeds Eddington limit, radiation pressure lifts $\sim10\%$ of H layer into space
- Hydrostatic burning phase, dominant or slow novae: CNO cycle stabilizes near Eddington limit and hydrostatic equilibrium is reached; inert layer above H-burning shell becomes fully convective and expands to $\sim10^6$ km
- Fireball expansion phase: hydrodynamically ejected gasses form optically thick, glowing “fireball” with $T\approx6000\sim10\,000$ K, resembling a type A/F supergiant; reaches maximum visual brightness in a few days, then becomes optically thin
- Optically thin phase: transparent ejecta reveal hydrostatically-burning white dwarf, resembling a blue horizontal-branch giant
- Dust formation phase: as $T$ falls below $\lesssim1000$ K, carbon in ejecta condense and form dust shell; turns optically thick $\sim50\%$ of the time and re-radiates energy from white dwarf in IR
Type Ia supernovae
- Destruction of white dwarf near Chandrasekhar limit
- Maximum brightness very consistently $M_B\approx M_V\approx-19.3\pm0.3$
- Peak brightness–rate of decline relation allow accurate distance measurements to faraway host galaxies
- Critical for discovery of dack energy
- Absence of H lines indicates evolved nature; P-Cygni profile indicates mass loss; blueshifted absorption lines indicate ejecta speeds $\gtrsim10^4$ km/s $\approx0.1c$
- Dobule-degenerate models: two white dwarfs
- Radiation of gravitational waves cause orbits to decay
- Larger and less massive secondary eventually spills over Roche lobe, breaking into thick disk for the primary to accrete
- As primary nears Chandrasekhar limit, nuclear reactions ignite in deep interior and destroy it
- Roughly predict the right number of mergers, but ignitions, if off-center, may result in neutron stars instead of supernovae, and predictions of heavy element abundances are inconsistent with spectra
- Single-degenerate models: a C–O white dwarf and an evolving star companion
- Helium-triggered model: He gas from secondary settle on surface with base becoming degenerate; He flash sends shockwave into interior and ignites degenerate C and O
- Direct ignition model: multiple independent ignitions of C and O occur in interior as star nears Chandrasekhar limit
- Require fine-tuning rate of accretion to prevent dwarf novae or classical novae from taking place instead
- Unclear if direct ignition single- and double-degenerate models result in subsonic deflagaration or supersonic detonation in shock front
- Supernova in existing binary: unbinds system if $\ge{1\over2}$ of total mass is ejected; otherwise, neutron star or black hole now in binary
- Tidal capture: neutron star passing within $1\sim3\,R_\text{companion}$ loses significant kinetic energy to tidal dampening and becomes gravitationally bound; most effective in densely populated regions
- Disruption of multi-star system: neutron star transfers kinetic energy to another star, ejecting that star while itself is captured
- Direct collision with giant: neutron star penetrates star and enters subsurface orbit with its degenerate core, becoming a Thorne–Żytkow object (TŻO); envelope is then quickly expelled, producing neutron star–white dwarf binary
X-ray binaries
- Low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXB): short orbital periods ($11$ minutes $\sim35$ days) with low-mass, mostly cool secondary stars
- Massive X-ray binaries (MXRB): relatively longer orbital periods ( $0.2\sim580$ days) with O and B giants and supergiants
- Alfvén radius $r_A = \sqrt[7]{8\pi^2 B^4 R^{12}\over \mu_0 G M \dot M^2}$
- Where magnetic energy density $u_m = {1\over2\mu_0}B^2\propto1/r^6$ equals kinetic energy density $u_K = {1\over2}\rho v^2$
- Below disruption radius $r_d\approx0.5r_A$, ionized gas is channeled onto magnetic poles instead of impacting surface
- If $r_d\approx r_\text{orbit}$, magnetic field prevents formation of disk and confines accretion to narrow streams directed towards poles
- If $r_d\lesssim r_\text{disk}$, magnetic field only distrupts accretion disk near star surface
- Polar-like accretion columns and shock fronts formed above poles
- X-ray burster: LMXB with weak magnetic field
- Matter settling on surface of neutron star with weak magnetic field ($\ll10^8$ T) periodically ignites H, He, then possibly C fusion
- He fusion extremely explosive and releases $\sim10^{32}$ J in seconds, predominantly in X-ray
- Accretion disk re-emits some X-ray in visible light seconds after the burst
- Companion stars of LMXBs become white dwarfs without disturbing the system
- Binary X-ray pulsar: strong magnetic field; $\sim50\%$ of XMRBs
- Matter accreting on poles of neutron star release up to $\sim10^{31}$ W, predominantly in X-ray
- Near-Eddington-limit radiation elevates shock front, resulting in large solid angle for emission
- Period slowly speeding up from transfer of accreting matter’s angular momentum via magnetic torques
- Pulse arrival times vary with phase of orbit, allowing determination of orbital radius
- Misalignment of magnetic and rotation axes may allow eclipsing of pulses by companion, and thereby complete determination of masses and radii in the system
- Some MXRBs ($\gtrsim3\, M_\odot$) may contain a stellar-mass black hole
- Most candidates lack developed accretion disks, making mass determination of compact object difficult
- A0620–00: an X-ray nova with sporatic accretion and a $3.82\pm0.24\, M_\odot$ black hole
- Cygnus X-1: bright MXRB with a $>3.4\, M_\odot$ black hole
- SS 433: three emission lines, with two posessing significant Doppler shifts attributed to relativistic jets of a precessing accretion disk from a neutron star or black hole
X-ray binary remnants
- Companion stars of MXRBs may go supernova, either unbinding the system or creating a double neutron star / neutron star–black hole binary
- Millisecond radio pulsars: spun up by accretion as LMXBs, but small fraction are missing white dwarf companions
- Black widow pulsar: if pulsar beam close to equator, white dwarf may be evaporated
- Double neutron star binaries: precise measurements on orbital decay of Hulse–Taylor pulsar (PSR 1913+16) confirmed existence of gravitational waves
- Short–hard gamma ray bursts: merger of two neutron stars or neutron star and black hole
III. The Solar System
IV. Galaxies and the Universe
24. The Milky Way Galaxy
- Zone of avoidance: band between approx. $\pm10^\circ$ of the galactic equator
suffers greatly from interstellar extinction
- Differential star counting: .
- Integrated star counting: .
25. The Nature of Galaxies